Piano Mics ?


Scaly Manfish
Jun 5, 2003
Philly, PA
Hey guys,

I got a phonecall from a girl who needs to record a song with her voice and a piano... I'm gonna record the vocal track(s) with a Langevin CR-2001, but I don't own mics that would be nice on a piano (I mainly have audix drum mics).

Can anyone recommend a pair of good mics ? Possibly not above 900-1000 € (I also need to buy them in France, cause I need them asap, so just some names would be cool).

Btw, if the piano mics could actually turn out to be cool overhead mics, that would be just dandy :)

Thanks !
From reading a feature on Tori Amos in Sound on Sound recently Id go for a pair of large diaphragm condensor mics. They would also be good for overheads and vocals etc.

SE electronics done some good ones cheap
I definitely like the idea of m/s'ing a piano. So try looking for something with figure-8 capability. 414s are always useful, and good overheads too...
i know you guys are gonna slay me for saying this...but the samson C01 ldc are nice and dont cost alot....i used them on my last recording on overheads and i was amazed.....if you need something quick...check them out...dont believe me check out the sweetwater reviews
Those SE's (CO3 I think they're called) are supposedly excellent for the price.