Pick My Next Opeth CD

I own Orchid, Damnation and My Arms Your Hearse and Lamentation on DVD. What should I get next?

Might help to know which of the ones you have you like best. All the songs off Lamentations are off of Damnation, Deliverance, or Blackwater Park. If you like Orchid you'll like Morningrise too but the rest of their stuff is different to those two albums. If you like MAYH then I don't know really, maybe Ghost Reveries.

My personal recommendation would be Still Life or Deliverance. I'm sure you could get both really as they should both be quite cheap now (the re-issue of Still Life with the DVD is very cheap and definately a bargain).
...The Roundhouse Tapes...almost a "greatest hits" collection...but, otherwise any of 'em...probably Still Life or BWP...
Roundhouse is definitely a good choice. You get a taste of each album (except Deliverance) and the live feel. So get Roundhouse and Deliverance next.

...or better yet, pull a title out of a hat...
...or better yet, pick the best album artwork...

It really doesn't matter. Cover your eyes, grab one and go!!
Omg you dont own Blackwater Park..its like the god of all music!
Then again you have my arms your hearse which totally awesome,
btw all the Opeth albums are in a different league from any other band :p
So every album is a masterpiece :)
Go in chronological order.

For me, at least, it's fun to go through all the Opeth albums in chronological order and see how they've progressed and changed over time.
Ip. Dip. Dog. Shit. That's how you decide. They are of 'equal' greatness.
and I envy you.

Totally agree. I remember when I was in this position, when I'd only bought Damnation and Blackwater Park. I asked my parents and siblings for all the other Opeth CDs for christmas, (along with other albums)- it was so beautiful opening them up one by one, and then just spending the day listening to them all in chronological order. Best christmas ever!

As for the topic, cliche as it is, you can;t go wrong with any of them, although I'd reccomend Still Life. It's the album with most depth, musically and lyrically, (arguably) the most technical Opeth album, and, in my opinion, contains some of 'peth's strongest songwriting (The Moor, Godhead's Lament, Face of Melinda, Serenity Painted Death) The concept also makes it a much more epic and 'complete' album I think. Even though all the Opeth albums are masterpieces, Still Life (and Morningrise actually) stands out above all others as an (pretentious cunt alert!) incredible musical journey that ebbs and flows with emotion, atmosphere, passages that twist and turn like a labrynthe, and some evil as fuck riffs and vocals (opening growl on Godhead's Lament, anyone?) all riding along on an intricate story. It's quite hard to describe in words; it's simply breathtaking and seems to be an album that really means a lot to many fans (myself included)

Having said that, many people seem to also feel it's over-rated so I guess it's down to personal preference
In the long term I think Still Life is maybe their best album, but I wasn't instantly hooked on it to be honest. The first one I bought was Blackwater Park, which is their most accessible album I think. The title track was the first song I heard and I wanted to hear more.
I really don't recommend getting them all at once, get them one at a time and let them sink in individually. I've tried to get into bands by getting all their albums at once before and it never works, it all just becomes a blur, either that or you stick to one album and neglect the rest. If you're really stuck just go with chronological order.