Pick the next Album for me to listen to


So, I take my lil` peddle bike down to del taco, since I've had a few too many to drive. Get there, make my order, and go to the pay window (yes, I went through drive thru on my bike, do it all time since the lobbies close to early. These fast food joints are just trying to inspire drunk driving by not allowing walking customers through the drive thru)... the chick working this window was easily the hottest piece of ass to have ever worked fast food. She spoke "Wow, thats a lot of taco's you're having!"

I had to fight myself not to reference her 'taco' and my 'special sauce'. My willpower was TESTED.

So anyway, riding my bike back, decide to take the scenic route, which leads on the outskirts of this small tree covered cove in which kids like to partake in their cheap school bought weed. I noticed a lighter flick, so I parked my bike quietly, snuck around the trees, and popped out and just said "HEY!". They sprinted. Was hoping they'd drop the lighter, since mine is running on empty, but sadly, none.

And now I am eating.
is it too late to suggest Against Fucking Nature? Fucking perfect for a night of drinking.