picked up some md421 mkI's today (comparison clips)


Nov 16, 2005
i found a pair of these pretty cheap locally, and decided to jump on em...they're the older versions, a little beat up looking but solid overall, and they work great

yeah i know the riffage is kinda cheezy, and the playing is sloppy, just thought i'd do some comparisons with the 57 & 609 (which has been my go-to mic setup for a while) vs the 57 & 421; within an hour i already see my 609 not getting much use in the future :D

the 609 vs 421 is the only thing i changed, i left all the amp settings, and mixed both clips exactly the same, used the same guitar, etc...

you can check em out here, i know the differences i hear but i'm interested to hear others' comments on the matter


btw, i'm probably gonna sell one of these pretty cheap if anyone is interested...i wanna test them both thoroughly to make sure there's no bugs before i get rid of one
seditz740novaprospect has dibs currently, but the deal isn't final yet

gonna get some pics of the one i'm probably selling tomorrow night, to show just how used it is
421 & 57 sounds awesome! great clip! nice riffage & chugga chugga
pics of micing positions please!
thanks, i suppose i can post that as well...both mics are pretty much pointed straight ahead where the cone meets the dust cap, about 1cm back from the grille; when i'm positioning the mics tho, i also crank the gain on the amp and make very minor adjustments till the hiss sounds loud and clear

...and hopefully remember to turn the gain back down a bit before tracking :D
yeah at -8 dB

these were recorded in my apt. where i can't turn things up loud at all, so the hotplate is a must for the cobra




i'm in sc (US)

i haven't heard back from him yet, but someone has dibs on the mic pictured if he still wants it...if not then someone here will get a good deal on it
done deal

i have a feeling i'll regret having done this at some point, i was halfway to having 4 of them like i ultimately want...these just came along during my last year of school, and i can't afford to keep em both