Picking Technique and tapping


New Metal Member
Feb 14, 2010
Hey chris, it's me again. Just wanted to ask you on how you made your alternate picking and tapping super precise and clean . I'm having trouble with having my tapping sound clean. with the alternate picking my picking hand stiffens which makes it hard to do fast runs ( I can do runs ok but it's not really where I want it yet) I'm kinda in my teenage years so i'm kinda young so i want to make those areas a bit better . By the way I'm studying different scales of theory and different solos of influences like you've told me to, some scales of which my instructors have taught me before now just in all keys . once again your amazing at guitar!

I was wondering on this same subject too. Pic holding style is quite a variant, mine is parralel to the strings but with the back against the side of my index finger. This style is good for me when it comes to riffing, but for sweeping it becomes a hassel.

It would be awesome to find out your picking stance, Chris!

I may not be Chris, but I will at least offer some suggestions anyway:

Are you using a metronome when you practice at all? I would be willing to bet twenty hypothetical bucks that Chris uses one when he practices as well. Just start off playing each passage slow and with precision, then gradually work your way up to faster and faster tempos. This is also good for warming your hands and fingers up so that your hands and fingers won't fatigue as quickly when playing fast. :)
Thanks for the help guys!
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