Pickups adjustements??

Feb 28, 2010
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if there was no special setting between the pickups and the strings because my guitars does not sound like your guitars sound.I've try with my revalverMKIII setup with DI's signals on this forum in mix competition an the sound is really good, pro sound with my revalver preset.With the same preset i record with my guitars and the sound is totally different,bad..i don't understand why. I use ibanez xtp700 with dimazio activator d,b.c.rich JRV with EMG 81-89 ,Gibson V67 with 500T and ibanez s470 with EMG HZ into redeye>fireface800>Revalver.The result is always roughly the same.Can you help me please guys to understand why?:worship:
Thanks you:headbang: