

beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
hey guys,
i've got a jackson guitar (dkmgtff, if you want to google it :p). i've been trying to get a decent amp sound from a modeler, whether it be gearbox, podfarm, or revalver, and i just can't seem to get anything convincing!

i've recently decided that this is due to my pickups.

the jackson has EMG-HZ pickups, and from reading reviews about them, i agree with the things said about them (not good things).

in all my amp sim tests, i need to put a TS9 sim in front of any model, otherwise it just sounds horrible (HUGE bass distortion - i can do a sample if you'd like).

what do you guys think? is the pickups? should i just bite the bullet, and get an 81/85? (only have the money for one!) which one would be better suited for being the lead pickup?

even better, know of a cheaper, good sounding alternative?

as always,
True story, I got a Jackson DKT2 which is probably almost exctacly the same guitar to your DKMGT and I just put a 81 in the bridge, it feels like it should be there from the beginning. Now I'm looking for a 85 or 89 to the neck position.
ahh, its that way is it.

well, i'll look into getting an 81 then. unless theres something cheaper and roughly as good?

if i get an 81, do i need to bother with any active circuitry? the jackson at the moment has this weird turbogash (turbo boost) stuff, that adds 20db, would i bother wiring the pickup to that?

No no no no no, ignore all that awful gain boosting nonsense - find some Bodom nerd who will buy it off you for like 8 times what it's worth and be done with it, if you buy the 81 new it'll come with everything (except stereo output jack)
No no no no no, ignore all that awful gain boosting nonsense - find some Bodom nerd who will buy it off you for like 8 times what it's worth and be done with it, if you buy the 81 new it'll come with everything (except stereo output jack)

I've got a Duncan Firestorm preamp/boost in my Jackson Dinky that's actually pretty cool to boost levels for some lead action. You can even adjust the output-level with a pot... quite handy at times.
I prefer the 85 in the bridge in bolt-on alder bodied guitars personally and the 81 in mahogany neck throughs like my old SLSMG... Whatever you do though dude, the 85 sounds like shit in the neck, it's got a lot of low end and throwing it in the neck just maked for a boomy muddy awful sound... I personally love the 60 in the neck.
I prefer the 85 in the bridge in bolt-on alder bodied guitars personally and the 81 in mahogany neck throughs like my old SLSMG... Whatever you do though dude, the 85 sounds like shit in the neck, it's got a lot of low end and throwing it in the neck just maked for a boomy muddy awful sound... I personally love the 60 in the neck.

That just goes to show how the guitar and the user's taste defines what's good and what's not.

85 in the bridge of my basswood RG sounded a bit loose and had too many mids and an 81 in the neck sounded thin and weak like a clock radio speaker.

Fpr my setup 81 in the bridge sounds amazing and 85 in the neck makes for some nice smooth creamy leads.

I assume you're not playing rhythm in the neck position?!?!?!
No no no no no, ignore all that awful gain boosting nonsense - find some Bodom nerd who will buy it off you for like 8 times what it's worth and be done with it, if you buy the 81 new it'll come with everything (except stereo output jack)

I thought he switched to Blackouts?
Who, Alexi? Maybe, but back in the day he apparently used the stock pickups in his Jacksons with this gain boosting nonsense, and Bodom fanboys wet themselves at the thought of owning the same :D
Whats your signal chain? I ask because I noticed a huge improvement in amp modeling after I got a proper interface.

The guitar out --> line in of computer seemed to only get me so far....and it wasn't far enough.
jex, i'm using a toneport UX8, so i don't think my interface is at fault here! :)

thanks though. just need to wait on my student loan coming through now.. hahaha.

Alexi's 2009 ESPs have the passive EMG HZs with an active boost, I'm pretty sure I saw some of the 2008 models with Blackouts.