Pics of the Maidens - Cooperstown Phoenix


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2006
Hey all, first post...nice to meet you all, I'm LaMere.
Here are a few pics from the Cooperstown show last Friday in phoenix.
I was there to take pics of Ronnie Ward's band KraiseD mailnly but ended up with quite a few of the Maidens also!
A few for starters....:kickass:

:loco: :dreamgirl:

More to come later....
Excellent photos!!!! Looking forward to the rest.

You and Tap's cameras put mine to shame. :erk:
Any tips for the total novice? I got a Kodak C360.

Anyway you did get a rare shot of Sara playing and you can see her face. This is a typical Sara shot............:p :p :p

:lol: :lol: In a way you are right Jenna but Aja is just trying to be authentic. :loco:

On the Piece of Mind tour during To Tame a Land, Bruce went and laid down in the dry ice fog to cool off during the long instrumental segment.

See? So Aja is trying to imitate Bruce in her own way. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

spideyjg said:
:lol: :lol: In a way you are right Jenna but Aja is just trying to be authentic. :loco:

On the Piece of Mind tour during To Tame a Land, Bruce went and laid down in the dry ice fog to cool off during the long instrumental segment.

See? So Aja is trying to imitate Bruce in her own way. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


This is true!! I'd heard that one as well!! :D Aja is very good at imitating Bruce. :worship:
I have a 6 minute, washed out sound though:cry: , clip I shot at Canes of POTO that Liz was playing her V. There are speakers pointing down from the ceiling and overloaded the little camera's mic.

Might put you over the edge. :lol:

I think the fancy maple top axe in Las Vegas suits her better though.
