Pictures of Prog Power

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
VERY cool pictures, SC!!! Very nice shots of Daniel :eek:
Do you happen to have any of Angra, Gamma Ray, Tobias, or that really cute guitarist for Silent Force?!? *bats eyelashes*

Would you mind if I made a mini-photo gallery and credited you with your pictures? If not, that's fine.. I'd still like to browse your collection ^_^

(:)rolleyes: Yeah yeah, I know.. :p ))

EDIT: Sorry SC, I didn't see that you had already made threads for your other pictures!! :oops: I saw a thread for Angra & for Gamma Ray... any for Silent Force & Edguy?? Maybe Threshold *getting greedy*

yes, i do have all the pics you mention ...well, i don't mind if you use them as long as you give me credit. :D
Originally posted by Tangerine
I second the motion to see your Edguy pictures ;) Oh please oh please oh please :)

I will give my Edguy pics to their official site....just watch closely of their site :cool: