Pictures of You with Blood Alliance!


Air Drummer
Nov 21, 2010
North-West England
1928 said:
We should have a thread specifically made for people to post pictures of themselves with the album, like what a popular Guns N' Roses fansite did when Chinese Democracy was finally released, haha!

Sure, why not.
Taken in about 10 seconds with a horrible webcam, but, y'know.


Now go forth and post yours!
You don't even have to show your face if you don't want to - or just part of it, like I have. Let's turn this into a big public display of support for the band showing we've paid for the amazing music they put out!

Everyone Else's Pics:
- Gibbon
- fool_in_paradise
- Cronopio
- Blazeofglory
- Powerray
- 1928 ( + Cat)
- Power_Metal_Dom ( + Monocle)
- Nickstervarius
Was thinking of uploading here and have no idea how, it says "Please enter the URL of your image:"...sorry, i'm kind of an egghead when it comes to theese things lol
Thanks!Will do soon, going down to get something to eat so i can listen to Blood Alliance without interruptions:)