Pile pics if ya care


Sep 16, 2001
Toronto , Canada
Hope I'm not spaming guys but but but "SPAMANATOR will anyways:
Here' some pics from the first Piledriver show ever,it was our new bass players 3rd time jamming with the band,but he pulled it off.
We opened up for a top 40 band and called ourselves "Sandwitch Of Hate"
The best Piledriver Tribute band ever hahaha
The name came from a jam we had where The Pile is on one side of our rhythm guitar player, I'm on the other side and he says to Pile "I hate Zappa"
and turns to me and said "Nevermore suck too" So first thing out of my angered mouth was "you little fuck, your in the SandWitch of Hate "


soory for the :Spam: