Pillars of Eternity (new RPG game)


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Hello !

This video game looks wonderful. It has been ages and ages I haven't played a good RPG that seems to focus more into the need to read, learn the lore, immerse myself, and think, rather than slash and follow a quest marker. That's why I played Bethesda games as they are a nice balance, but I haven't been interested in a 2D game in a long time.

Anyone tried it ? On Mac ? I'm considering buying it on Steam as they seem more reactive to updates and patches than on the mac app store, plus this means owning it for all platforms (and it's cheaper).
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Yeah its pretty good. I took a break, I got sucked into it for a whole damn weekend and neglected too much other stuff I need to do.
Ugh just saw this. Only have one day off in the next 15. Not buying it quite yet! Stupid work