Pipe smokers?

I smoked pipe tobacco casually in college. Mostly flavored tobaccos from a local shop in Peoria, IL, that is apparently not there anymore. It was part of the Grand Prarie outdoor mall. I quit smoking it because quite frankly, it was DELICIOUS. Delicious, and very, very bad for me. Let's see...there was a vanilla flavored tobacco that was really good, and a chocolate one. There was also a very dry flavor that I tried, but I don't recall what it was called. Old Man and the Sea, I think. It's been about five years though.
I hope you weren't inhaling. I'm not gonna say it's any better than cigarettes but it's definitely not worse.

The vanilla flavored one was probably MacBaren's Vanilla Cream. It's quite popular and one of my favorites.
God this brings back memories. years and years ago I smoked a pipe, I think the Tobacco was Captain Black.
I hope you weren't inhaling. I'm not gonna say it's any better than cigarettes but it's definitely not worse.

The vanilla flavored one was probably MacBaren's Vanilla Cream. It's quite popular and one of my favorites.

Oh, GOD no. I did that on accident once, and it was one of the most horrible things I've ever experienced. But the constant threat of mouth cancer was more than enough to get me to stop once I graduated.
Well, one isn't supposed to smoke a pipe like you would smoke a cigarette. Smoking once every now and then is much better than a pack a day. Also, just make sure you go to the dentist often and don't overdo it. It's not like you're going to get cancer of the mouth smoking a pipe a couple of times a week.
This has to be one of the most obscure threads I've ever read on here! :lol: With that said, I love the smell of pipes and could see me getting very addicted to one. I've never tried one and don't intend to. I used smokeless tobacco products throughout high school and college, but quit over ten years ago for the same reasons Orb quit smoking a pipe. Using any type of tobacco product a person runs a risk of developing some sort of cancer. I've even heard of people getting mouth cancer by simply chewing on cigars, without lighting them!
