Pitch changing vst


New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2011

I'm currently recording my bands debut EP, and for some vocal and guitar parts I need the pitch to gradually change.

I have searched quite a bit and all the vst's I've found haven't been that great so I if anyone here knows a good plugin for this that would really make my day.

Thanks a lot!
Does ReaPitch work for other programs than Reaper?

Also where can i download/buy/whatever it ?

As far as I know, there's a pack of the Reaper Vst's that you can download to use in other DAWS for free on their website. There used to be at least.

I tried alot of the free pitch changing plugs and Reapitch is the only one that I could get to work without weird pops and clicks and artifacts.
I love reapitch, I "autotuned" a bass track once that was not only slightly out of tune, but also had some wrong notes, by automating its parameters. I also use it often to quickly try out guitar/vocal harmonies during songwriting/preproduction without having to record a bunch of stuff, just copying and pitch shifting the "root" track.

I have no idea if there still is a Reavst package for using in other Daws, there was one but I switched to Reaper ages ago so I don't know
PeaPitch doesn't seem to be included in the pack that's downloadable on their website, from what I've read it's built in in reaper (no vst i guess?)
