places to play live in St. John's


Dec 11, 2001
NF, Canada
Ok so Calio's as I understand it is closed up. They were not the best place to play anyway as they took money form the door and left the bands having to pay out of their own pocket for the soundman. McMurdos is available, even though they have a poor layout and a very shitty stage. LSPU hall is available but you have to pay to rent the place and then pay a soundman. So it's also not the best of places unless there is a big crowd. Where else is there? Where in the city is their a place where you can have a REAL stage and play a "real" show? Something with stage lights and all...not some 10CM high riser poked into the corer of a room with fucking tables in the way in front. This is METAL, not sit on your ass and mellow out to shitty music. So what's the'd think in a city of this size, there would be many more better laid out places to play live. Perhaps we've been looking in the wrong spots??

/end rant.

What do ya think???
How about Club One? It would take alot of people to fill that place, but it probably has the best stage in town. I miss the loft. CBTG's would not be a good spot for a metal show. Although I frequent the bar, I can't see it being any good for a proper metal show.
I've never heard of or seen CBTB's. A tennis club sounds like a silly place for a there even a stage there? As for Club is a BIG spot to my knowledge and perhaps not a good choice for that reason? I dunno... Anyone know of other places? Personally, I used to think upstaris of the CornerStone was a good place for bands back in the day...AfterForever and The End, Marshall Law.... they had a stage, albeit small, but still a real stage suited to playing live. Anything around like that?