Planet Of The Apes


Apr 14, 2001
I watched the remake last night, I wanted to watch the original but I was really sore, so I went to beddy byes. Anyway, for those who have seen the REMAKE one, I have some rather convoluted questions I hope someone can answer :)

Is this the plot of the movie:

Seeimos the ape gets shot forward in time to another planet, a planet that isnt Earth, from there he mates with something and the apes evolve into what Marky Mark sees when he lands after he was shot through time. After Seeimos mated with something, he left the planet. Then came back at the end.

I dont think thats right, but it was a bit confusing.

Also, with the ending, why was Theed (the bad apes name?) made President and immortalised in a statue? He was the bad guy, even the apes thought that. Or was this simply another timeline completely? I know Theed wasnt killed, so maybe things changed after Marky Mark left? Was it even Earth that Marky Mark landed on at the end?

And was it supposed to be a commentary on environmentalism, or on racism? Because the Apes were a different species so I dont see how they were being racist, its like us with Apes in Zoos (well, more or less, we dont beat themup or anything that I know of). I get the environmetalism angle, but even then, it just shows that any civilization will erode the land to progress.
It was alot like Nazi Germany I thought. The apes (Nazi's) wanted to eliminate the humans (jews). I got that from when Theed (Hitler) asked for martial law and for absolute power to exterminate the humans. Also Theeds dying father (Hindenburg?) held some answers and could have maybe stopped it but he died so fuck him.
Ooh good point Sprucey, I didnt think of that, but it would have worked better if the humans were apes with red fur or something.
I wanted to watch the original, but really couldn't be stuffed staying awake.
I was up all night (sleep all day) Saturday/Sunday.
Fuck I hate remakes. Why can't people leave films alone? I've never seen one remake that has even come close to the original. The worst one ever, without a doubt, was the shot-by-shot replica of Psycho. God that was bad. I didn't think it could be possible to exactly replicate the dialogue, framing & soundtrack of a great film and have it turn out to have sooooooo much less atmosphere & suspense and be a steaming pile of crap.
Some remakes are alright. Ben-Hur is an obvious one, Ocean's 11 is awesome, Red Dragon was good (was that a remake or just another adaptation of the book, though?)... probably a few others I'm forgetting.

Get Carter is probably the worst one I've seen when compared to the original... that I can think of off the top of my head, anyway.
Oh, The Man Who Knew Too Much was awesome too. And a correction to my 'worst seen' one - it would definitely have to be the US remake of The Vanishing. Same guy who did the original, and he ruins it after going Hollywood.
But that doesnt explain why the ending was so stupid! Or perhaps in a roundabout way it does... Good work phlogmeister.
It ended like it did because, if you look real careful during the big fight scene, that bloke (not Tim Roth but the weasely fella) is seen near the spaceship. One can assume that he hopped in, flew back in time and all this stuff happened or something. I don't know. I liked it though.
Nothing wrong with that. It's good to see an ending to a film that makes you think, even if there's no real answer and just confuses the hell out of you.