Plans on touring in North America?

probably not we always get screwed over in n. america the only shows that come around are emo and amercan idol types, its pathetic

but if they do come anywhere within 200 miles of me,ill definitlley be at the show
for future reference wait for kalmah to get a tour in europe before you even ask if they will come to america, because they most likey wont come for a while its the sad sad truth
it's not really up to them where they go, it's up to their record company and it depends how many CDs are purchased in the US. that would be extreamly killer if they toured in america though for the upcoming album! :rock:
few good bands play in n. america
The black dahlia murder
Between the buried and me
The Red Chord
and a few others but thats not even on the same level as kalmah.