Play the Bass


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
Some of you may have seen the post a while back about my doing some guest classes at this amazing new venue here in Walnut Creek, Nor Cal.

Well I have joined the Redhouse Team of instructors and I am now on staff as the resident bassman teaching all things bass. I am still accepting students for private lessons which are filling up fast, hosting related jams, and instructing master classes focusing on individual bassists, styles, and various subects relating to the bass. I am really enjoying this and take great satisfaction in seeing my students excel and get better week to week. I am teaching everything from the basics to the most complicated Enchant material. Under Fire seems to be a favorite so far.

Redhouse has a very talented staff of instructors, you can check out here

Including Jeff Campetelli now who also will be a guest instructor when he is not touring playing the drums with Joe Satriani and G3! Jeff and I have already done one group class focusing on the Rythym section and plan to more with an emphasis all over the groove and pocket for drummers and bassists.

So I wanted to get the word out here on the furum as well and let folks know about this to spread the word and hopefully bring in more musicians and potential future musicians to this great environment set up for anyone who wants to learn the basics or beyond the basics about learning to play.

And..................yes I am working on setting some shows up here including Enchant and other incredible guest musicians in the area which should be very cool. Redhouse already has audio simulcast capabilty for shows and hopefully video in the future as well.

Here is another link with more info and advertising.
congrats, edmeister! :worship: now how cool is that?? but i live on the other side of the planet! :waah: ok, i admit, i never stayed with an instrument long enough to really master it. but i sure as hell would like to be a fly on the wall during lessons. :lol:

hey, but the link to the master classes is not working.