Playing a VH140C with 6505, will it sound good?


New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2010
I'm about to buy an Ampeg VH140C for just under 400, and it's going to be the first solid state head I've ever owned. I play through two amps, so I'm wondering how it's going to mesh with a 6505+, all tube amp. I play grind (Insect Warfare, Repulsion), oldschool DM (Entombed, Pungent Stench, Obituary), and some punk (Siege, Infest).
Probably not well. It will most likely be first on your list of gear to sell for when you have to pay your rent. :p
Get an 80's Peavey tube head like the VTM, Ultra, or Rock Master. They sell for cheaper than $400 on ebay. Thumbs up to your interest in running a stereo set up, not enough guys have discovered how much better it sounds.

If you do go with the Ampeg, it should mesh well with the 6505. It's superior qualities will shine through while the 6505's superior qualities will shine through. But yeah, theres nothing wrong with running a stereo set up with one solid state and one tube amp, I'll be doing it actually once I gather enough money for a Peavey Ultra and a Sunn Beta Bass or a Tube Works 9100. Haven't decided between the final two yet.
There was a Peavey VTM around here that a buddy bought, and since then I've been doing some reading on them. Seems like a great budget amp, and if I ever see another one, it's mine. This Ampeg should be easy to resale if I'm not satisfied, so I'm not too worried about sinking money into it anymore.
The VH140C is a really fucking awesome sounding SS amp. Definitely not the best tone you'll hear but its really aggressive. The thing is, its extremely scooped in the mids, so you may have a hard time hearing it.

What I would do if I were you, is run the 5150 to have a middier tone with not a whole lot of gain (given how much gain the 5150 has, you could probably run it on 2-3 and be fine with this setup), and set the Ampeg to have a ton of gain and a bit of a bassier/treblier sound. They'll layer together and you'll have the clarity and dynamics of a low gain tone with the aggression and punch of a high gain tone.