Playing in Europe ??


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Hey guys,

Hoping I can get some advice. I don't want to give too much away at this point.

A seemingly well known band has gotten in touch with us to say that they want to do a gig swap with us. We're in London, and they're in a fairly big European country.

It sounds like a great opportunity, but I'm a bit skeptical. They're basically saying that they'll pay us a chunk of money (a fairly substantial amount) and put us up in a hotel. In return, we sort them a gig out and pay them less money (although still substantial to us) and they don't need a hotel as they've got that covered.

What do you guys think? I know it's not much to go on, but I always thought venues and promoters sorted the money shit out, not the bands directly. Just wouldn't want to get to the country in question, and end up that there isn't actually any gig or something like that.

If it's fully legit - could be a big thing for us.
Is it a well-known band?
Ask if they would front you the money needed for trip. This way you wouldn't loose anything if there is no gig. Also it would be a good sign that they are serious.
It does feel like a bit of a scam, although I can't quite work out how...

But bottom line is - they seem to be popular and have a following. And seem to have played to bigger crowds than we ever have. I think our best gig was when we supported Rinoa and Latitudes, and even then there was only about 100 people there. They're talking 100 people minimum a hotel for the night, and 550euro's ... so either they're on the next level, and are trying to get some smaller bands to fill in some space and help them make some money... or they're genuinely into us and want to give us an opportunity.

But I somehow doubt that.