playing of metal in public?

the only consideration i hold when i play metal is at home because my family doesn't enjoy and at work. when i drive i play it loud not because i want other people to hear but it sounds so much cooler. besides, everyone else blasts their music loud, why can't i, because its metal? fuck that.

p.s- why the hell would anyone want to play meshuggah, they are unbearable
Meshuggah is one of the only metal bands respected by more than 10% of the metalhead community (i.e. no slipknot/dragonforce) that I can't stand. Yea they know a thing or two about rhythm but who gives a fuck when it's all yelling and guitar on one string tuned down 9000 steps.
Meshuggah is one of the only metal bands respected by more than 10% of the metalhead community (i.e. no slipknot/dragonforce) that I can't stand. Yea they know a thing or two about rhythm but who gives a fuck when it's all yelling and guitar on one string tuned down 9000 steps.

so you dont like bass guitar either?

btw meshuggah is not all on one string =/. u can play half the notes on the fretboard on the lowest string anyway

for clarity, i dont mean HALF the notes
You can go and be "considerate" and only play music other people like, and only play metal on headphones when noone is around in secret, but that is not how things operate for me. \m/
I enjoy blasting the metulz around people, but certainly not to showcase anything in particular. I just believe I have the same right to blast my music at a loud volume as the people who blast "accepted" music. At parties and stuff I wanna mix in some of my stuff as well no matter what people thinks.

I once went out to a street corner with a batery powered amp and covered hessian peel from begining to end on my guitar. It was SOOOOO much fun seeing peoples reactions when it got to the heavy part:rock:
so you dont like bass guitar either?

btw meshuggah is not all on one string =/. u can play half the notes on the fretboard on the lowest string anyway

for clarity, i dont mean HALF the notes

I have no problem with bass or low notes but bands like Meshuggah overdo the downtuning so much that it begins to feel gimmicky. And their vocalist is easily one of the most annoying metal vocalists I've ever heard. Sounds like he put no work into an extreme vocal style whatsoever and is just yelling, yelling, yelling. TBH, it sounds to me like a metalcore band that knows more about rhythm and downtunes for the br00tality. Just my view, w/e.
I used to think exactly like you About meshuggah,
But i then purchased Obzen and started to "get" Meshuggah.
Much more than your average metal band.
Idk, I'm probably going to keep going back to them because they do seem to get a lot of respect. I used to dislike Mastodon, but not nearly as much.
I have no problem with bass or low notes but bands like Meshuggah overdo the downtuning so much that it begins to feel gimmicky. And their vocalist is easily one of the most annoying metal vocalists I've ever heard. Sounds like he put no work into an extreme vocal style whatsoever and is just yelling, yelling, yelling. TBH, it sounds to me like a metalcore band that knows more about rhythm and downtunes for the br00tality. Just my view, w/e.

fair enough

i agree, let the bass guitarist play the bass
And their vocalist is easily one of the most annoying metal vocalists I've ever heard. Sounds like he put no work into an extreme vocal style whatsoever and is just yelling, yelling, yelling.
That's my biggest problem with the band. I would listen to them more if the vocalist wasn't so boring. He always sounds monotone with no variety to his screams.
playing techno in public is retarded for me, pretty much no one else enjoys it
playing hip-hop in public is retarded for me, pretty much no one else enjoys it
playing music in public is retarded for me, pretty much no one else enjoys it
When i was in high school,everyone who wanted to play the bad ass, they steal their parents' car, and they put techno, house music on and they start drifting and shits !! that's pretty lame imo !
And i think that play death metal or prog or black is quite lame lol, i would put Deep Purple, Motorhead, or anything like that in my car.
Growl-metal has become accepted in Sweden lately among "normal" people.

emm, just asking you out of curiosity, do people in Sweden speak in Death metal voice? :rolleyes:
You can only blast stuff from the 80s honestly. Celtic Frost's Into The Crypt of Rays while picking up a stranger is great, and by today's standards the stuff is jangly so people do not throw a fit.

Actually, stuff from the late 70s too, like Hexwind mentioned above, Motorhead and Deep Purple. And with the advent of guitar hero, even baby knows Deep Purple's Highway star, just like when Tony Hawk's pro skateboarder 2 came out everyone bought a skateboard and Ace of Spades.