Please check guitar sound before we start tracking


Aug 2, 2007
Hi all
I will be tracking guitars for an album for a band this weekend.
Today I reamped the scratch DIs to try and get a sound before we start tracking.
There is no bass yet.
Guitars are 6505 left and Mesa TR right through orange cab with a mix of 906 and i5 mics.
Let me know what you think and if it needs changing.
Michael testes.mp3
sounds really 'verby and quite boxxy.. try getting your hands on an SM57, and messing around with that!

i'd recommend you start with one mic, and then add another if you're not satisfied, just sticking 2 mics in there is likely to give you terrible phasing issues.

also, it's not usual that you have different amps on the left and right channels!

sounds really 'verby and quite boxxy.. try getting your hands on an SM57, and messing around with that!

i'd recommend you start with one mic, and then add another if you're not satisfied, just sticking 2 mics in there is likely to give you terrible phasing issues.

also, it's not usual that you have different amps on the left and right channels!


sounds really 'verby and quite boxxy.. try getting your hands on an SM57, and messing around with that!

i'd recommend you start with one mic, and then add another if you're not satisfied, just sticking 2 mics in there is likely to give you terrible phasing issues.

also, it's not usual that you have different amps on the left and right channels!



The core tone/playing/music is really good so with a different miking you can nail a killer result.

Music & tone reminds me of some old Deicide, meets some metal hardcore a la Terror, which is cool.
Thanks guys.
I would normally use a single 57 or i5 but wanted to try something different.
My ears were a bit shagged by the time I started actually recording after spending so long messing with mics. I usually try and get the sound as quickly as possible before I start to loose focus. The band weren't in the studio today so I spent a couple of hours experimenting.
I will just go with the single 57 or i5 for the actual takes I think with a mix of 6505 and TR both sides.
It if ain't broke.....
The actual guitar takes will be much tighter too. The scratch DIs were tracked with the live kit before it was edited.