
New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
Hello fellow Sneapsters

im writing this not knowing where to start or where to end really as i've never done this before, unfortunately the reasoning behind it isnt a good one whatsoever.

on january the 26th me and my family were victims of arson, at about midnight somebody set my motorcycle on fire outside of my back window. i know a lot of you won't see this as a big deal at first however it has had many repercussions (not to mention nearly killing me and my 1 year old son) on me and my family,

first off the bike was burnt to nothing, which might i add was my only route to work from where i live as public transport links are slim to none. thus i have had to quit my job as i was left with no alternative, as i've said many times before i'm only a bedroom warrior and only produce my own songs for fun and not profit.

the damage left by the burning bike was horrendous it melted all of my house's waste and irrigation system smashed my window and melted my window's surround.

the flames also entered my boiler's outlet and pretty much blew it off of the wall and i now have to spend about 1600 pounds replacing that, coupled with the cost of replacing my waste pipes and smoke damage AND windows im left with a bill of just shy of 5 thousand pounds,

the insurance are unwilling to pay out because the police were 50/50 as to wether or not it was arson or coincidental......the bike hadnt been started for 5 days previous.

now im not one to ask strangers for money in the slightest but i've had to sell a lot of my wordly possessions and my house currently doesnt have any heating due to my boiler situation. im having a hard time watching my son suffer in the cold at night but im not left with man options,

if any of you could find it in your hearts to donate ANYTHING to me & my family i literally mean even pennies, i would be more than grateful and i assure you it would mean the world to us.

my paypal address is |paypal addy removed by mod, SCAMMER!|

pictures of the damage below i dont have any pictures of my boiler as of yet.


That fucking sucks.
Insurance companies are fucking useless. Since your out of work, between looking for work spend every second harassing them. How can they not throw a bone when everything that makes your house 'livable' is busted?
That fucking sucks.
Insurance companies are fucking useless. Since your out of work, between looking for work spend every second harassing them. How can they not throw a bone when everything that makes your house 'livable' is busted?

solely because it couldnt be proven that somebody else started the fire. i couldnt believe it when they told me i was heartbroken :(
sorry, but what is arson?

i don't know if you're trolling me or not but ill give you the benefit of the doubt. arson is when somebody sets something on fire deliberately...sometimes with the intent of endangering lives
no, not trolling man, i don't joke with serious stuff. I am brazilian, so some less used english-language words are beyond my knowledge. But thanks for clarifying that and sorry for the happening. I will see if I can help some after february 10th.
no, not trolling man, i don't joke with serious stuff. I am brazilian, so some less used english-language words are beyond my knowledge. But thanks for clarifying that and sorry for the happening. I will see if I can help some after february 10th.

no worries mate :)

thank all of you already so much :)
Have you considered contacting a lawyer? I was in a similar situation (house was torched and the insurance company didnt want to pay) and I was able to sue the insurance company for acting in "bad faith". The threat of the litigation pushed them to cover the claim. Canada and the UK have a similar legal systems so it may be worth a phone call to a lawyer that offers free consultations to see if you have a legal avenue to pursue. Sent a couple bucks your way as well. I wish I could send more but it should cover a little food or something.