Please go back to Juha Vuorma


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2009
Montreal, Quebec Canada
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone knew whether Kalmah is going to have Juha Vuorma ( swamplord, swampsong, they will return) make their new albums cover, or will they hire who ever did the last 2 album covers?

Either way, I think I much prefer the old album's looks over the new ones, especially the last one. A shirt looking like the first 3 albums would be baddass. Instead I just get 5 people a day ask me why theres a 150 year old man on my shirt ( which IS kind of funny, but still does not represent Kalmah in my mind)

Anyways, check out his website
he has some really nice art (kalmah album and booklet art is on page 9 of galleries)
We have a new cover guy - The cover of upcoming album will be different from any of the previous ones - and it will be a killer!
