Please come back to Texas...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
I think it's great that Anthrax is coming back to do the States in style again, but goddam, Texas got a bad wrap last time. I've heard so much negativity, especially from the band. At first, it pissed me off, but I suppose I can understand their frustration.

I attended the San Antonio show, which evidently was the black mark of the tour. My wife and I had only had the new album for a few days (cuz we had to order it from The End or CD Universe or whoever cuz there was no hope of finding it in stores where we live.) I got off early from work, grabbed all our shit, picked my wife up, drove 2 1/2 hours, checked into the hotel, and hauled ass to the venue to check out the local talent, buy a shirt, and grab a spot on the rail. We were stoked cuz it was going to be the beginning of a great weekend and we'd been jamming to the new album in preparation.

I was not disappointed, great show...old shit...would've liked more White Noise and Stomp shit...set was a little short (about 70 minutes), but I understand Bush was working with a fucked-up back. The bad thing was, there were certainly not a lot of people there.

The aftermath: band bitching about the turn-out, fans not being into the new stuff, the metal scene in the States, chastising the fans for not spreading the word, etc., etc. I figured they knew what they were getting into, being away so long and having to grind out a stateside tour in the clubs again, certainly not getting any radio support, etc, etc.

My reaction is...hey...I don't need the criticism. I went out of my way to advance purchase an album, then arrange a trip to see a band that I have loyally supported but not been able to see in 12 years (way too long.) I cannot help that I live in a cultural void where radio, concert promotion, and general musical tastes suck. For Christ sake, don't chastise the fans that showed up to rock out, cuz they might not be willing to go to so much trouble again.

That being said, Anthrax is coming to the States again, hopefully to help re-awaken this metal underground that seems be slowly simmering again. Don't hold it against Texas that you had some shitty shows. Might wanna talk to whatever rat-dick promoter was putting those on. And please know, that whenever you guys get close to Corpus, SA, or Austin again, we're there, and we'll be screaming louder and louder this time (that the new material has had more time to soak in.)

By the're welcome for the beers in the hotel after the show in San Antonio...


Doc & Kat
Great post man, I couldn't have said it better myself. WHEN Anthrax comes back to San Antonio, I will definitely be there, seeing as I bought the new CD about 3 days before the concert and I wasn't really much of a fan until I heard What Doesn't Die and Nobody Knows Anything and now I am a HUGE Anthrax fan. I'm trying to get everyone I know to go, so hopefully this time, there will be a bigger turnout.
Anthrax doesn't have anything against Texas. Things got really fucked up when they went to Texas with the promotion and some changes.
Charlie didn't mean to piss anyone off. Things are obviously a lot different here than in Europe.
Metal still rules in Europe, and I guess the band was frustrated with they're US situation a little. It's not the fans fault, and of course the band knows this.
Since most of the radio stations in our country play shit, Anthrax gets no respect. But they do not blame the fans at all for this...
Anthrax doesn't get any airplay in most states because they aren't as popular as they should be. And they aren't as popular as they should be because they don't get any airplay...
I live in San Antonio and was majorly confused with the dates. I blame the local radio station for not getting the correct info (radio was saying Friday per the commercials they played and their site said something else)--or figuring out what was correct. They can blame the promoters if they want, but they were the medium to which the show was being advertised.

Anyway, that said, I'm still in for a show if they're willing to play here. I've seen Anthrax many times in previous years and they never disappoint. My husband has never seen them live, but he wants to because he likes them also. And there is also a co-worker of mine who is an Anthrax fan also--so you know, the fans are out there. They just need to come out from under the rocks.
So I guess Anthrax isn't coming to TX, which is a real downer. I still have the slightest bit of hope, because I don't see any dates in the southern US on the new tour itinerary, so I'm hoping those will be announced last, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm hopin the same.

I'm' from San Antonio but couldn't make it to it so I went to the Killeen gig, the crowd was terrible there but as always, Anthrax still leveled the place.

Plleeeeaaaasee come back!!!
Leepster said:
I live in San Antonio and was majorly confused with the dates. I blame the local radio station for not getting the correct info (radio was saying Friday per the commercials they played and their site said something else)--or figuring out what was correct. They can blame the promoters if they want, but they were the medium to which the show was being advertised.
What radio station? I never heard any ads. I know that KISS had the wrong date on thier site.
Way to go poorchoiceofwords, that shows dedication in their (evidently limited) base of Texas said "fuck it!" got in the car and drove all those miles to see the Killeen show...ROCK ON!

That's what I was trying to get at in my original post...a lot of us would go out of our way to see the show again, I bet.