Please help - guitar miking related 300hz


Nov 28, 2007
FFS, I am a noob and I admit it, but goddamnit in every reamp I have a goddamn ringing in 300-400HZ zone (A LOT) .I moved the cab to 5 different rooms,small medium, bigger and f.... big room an there is always the same ringing,you can even hear the ring when you are standing in front of the cabinet.I have 6505+ combo,Orange 4x12 PPC and Radial PRO RMP.I miked every speaker and the sound is of course different but the goddamn ring is still there
Clips: Room.mp3

Mic is at the edge of the dust cap
Amp settings:
Post 2.5
High 4
Mid 3
Low 4
Pre 6

Is it me? cab or amp? I am losing my mind and ears!
Its not that loud,you can stand in front of the amp but anything louder than this starts to sound like shit ,muddy ,dull ,attack sounds like farting etc...
pre gain @ 6 might be some of the problem...take it down to between 4-5, and see if that helps? not likely, but worth a quick shot...

also, are you sure that it's the cab/speaker, or are you hearing a resonant frequency from the room itself?
it sounds pretty good on my laptop speakers. the 6505 + needs to have the post gain at 5 or higher to really get the tone you'd expect to hear from it imo. What I do to get around pissing off the neigbors is to put an eq in the fx loop and turn the master gain all the way down and then crank the amp output, so the amp is as loud as say 2.5 regularly but the tubes are pushing like it's on 7. the tone really fills in when you do that.
Sounds like an Orange cab to me. Have you tried a different cab?

The 5150/6505 amps also have a unique midrange that might be part of what you're hearing as well.

Does it have the low-mid bump when you're just sitting in front of the cab in the room? Then it's your rig.
Sounds like an Orange cab to me. Have you tried a different cab?

The 5150/6505 amps also have a unique midrange that might be part of what you're hearing as well.

Does it have the low-mid bump when you're just sitting in front of the cab in the room? Then it's your rig.

I dont have other cabs,yes it does have low mid bump
ProRMP has pretty flat characteristic, especially modified one.

I did the mod to mine, and saw the tone get much more transparent. Previous to the mod though, I always felt that my reamped tones were unpleasantly gonky, but couldn't place why...