Is this good for a raw tone (6505+ & orange412)?


Nov 28, 2007
Hi I have some trouble with getting a good raw tone (I think that the biggest problem is me :) ),so I would like some help/tips. Sometimes I think I overprocess the tone so this one is minimal,but I think something is wrong with my 6505+ (it's a combo) the presence knob is working only when its on 9 to 10 anything below nothing is happening and similar is with resonance knob?Is this tube related?
Anyway here are the clips (I used Mago's DI)

This one is processed (Hp Lp little cut around 300Hz and some tape simulation)

Btw SM57 Dustcap-Cone position and about 3 inch away
The Tone isnt too bad, maybe try a tad more gain? Do you already use some kind of boost? eg. tubescreamer.
I'm not using any boost,gain it at 6.After some googling I found out that something is wrong (broken) with the amp,lots of problems with presence knob with combos on google ,but I don't know is that affecting the EQ section or any other part of the amp
Hey! i really dont understand what you´re looking for...The raw tone is great! There might be something wrong with your amp, after you explained the whole shit... Not really familiar with the peavey combos. Mic position and HP LP you´re doing sounds good too! You´re in the ballpark, for sure... Now it just comes down to how you mix it in context to all the other instruments (bass, drums etc). Lower gain is mostly MORE fatness when you get to hear it in the mix...more gain makes everything muddy and doesn´t sound good...
Great tone! Keep it up