Done this a couple times myself as well. Ended up using it on one of the first "real" recordings I did two years ago. Sounded like this with the shitty T-bone mics I had at the time, in a garage, and with me not really knowing much at all about recording or mixing yet:
Setup was T-bone BD300 in the kick, Sm57 on the snare top, T-bone Sc-150's as the Glyn Johns overheads. I had two room mics too, an another Sm57 and an Akg C1000 IIRC, but I really fucked up how they were placed and only used a little bit of one of them, can't remember which. And I actually checked the Sc-150's before I sold them and noticed I had had them as hypercardioids, which means that they were probably that on this recording too... At least the stereo image is really weird.
That's not bad, considering your experience/mics.