Please help with my mix! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!


New Metal Member
Apr 12, 2011

Ok first off the drums were recorded with a small diaphragm condenser overhead and the kick sennheiser e835. (i only have 2 channels, and it was the only other mic a had with me)

The guitars and bass i just plugged straight into my interface and I believe it was lecto for guitars, and Guitar rig for bass. Both with impulses.

I cant seem to get the bass to do what i want. Its either too loud, or too quiet, and it just doesnt have a great tone.

Overall the mix just seems muddy to me. HELP!!!
I bet your drums sound really good live but when you have that sort equipment its almost impossible to make them sound professional. I would say you should look into s2.0 and try that out, and if you really like the sound of your drums better you can make your own samples :) As for the guitars they sound like you recorded them in a small bathroom, and they are really under gained. There is none of that mid-range crunch to them that defines this type of stuff. Also are you running a TS before lecto? cuz that will help if you arent. As bass goes there are tones of tutorials on this forum for recording bass at home, ola has one in the production tips section thats great but then just searching around the internet in general will get you alot of cool tips that you would never have thought of before and that goes for you whole mix in general to. Otherwise really good composition :)
Awsome! thanks a lot this was my first little recording project, so there are a lot of different things wrong with it.