Ok first off the drums were recorded with a small diaphragm condenser overhead and the kick sennheiser e835. (i only have 2 channels, and it was the only other mic a had with me)
The guitars and bass i just plugged straight into my interface and I believe it was lecto for guitars, and Guitar rig for bass. Both with impulses.
I cant seem to get the bass to do what i want. Its either too loud, or too quiet, and it just doesnt have a great tone.
Overall the mix just seems muddy to me. HELP!!!
Ok first off the drums were recorded with a small diaphragm condenser overhead and the kick sennheiser e835. (i only have 2 channels, and it was the only other mic a had with me)
The guitars and bass i just plugged straight into my interface and I believe it was lecto for guitars, and Guitar rig for bass. Both with impulses.
I cant seem to get the bass to do what i want. Its either too loud, or too quiet, and it just doesnt have a great tone.
Overall the mix just seems muddy to me. HELP!!!