Please rate my mix! Im New!


May 27, 2009
Hi guys,

Im getting ready to produce my bands first album, and i want it sounding as crazy as possible. Im working as hard as i can with the pre prod so that wen i go into the studio theres not much mucking around! Id love to know what you think, this is a snippit from one of the pre production tracks im doing atm, and its probably the best mix ive ever done. Its not metal as such but i still reckon it sounds heavy.

i used Revalver mk3 demo, can provide tones w/englv30 impulse loaded into RIR.

Bass is real DI'd into ik multimedia's Ampeg and drums are Addictive Drums with Kicks and Snare Replaced.

see what you think :) Breakdown.mp3

Update the mix, less sqaushed clearer drums! Breakdown B.mp3

fauck dood!!
really amazing. good job. I've seriously been trying to get a track down like this for years now.
you mind getting specific for what you did for the tones?
Sure dude, the tones are actually really really simple.

Gubbkuk helped me out here abit :p

Ok so in revalver i used The 6505 head module on green channel, high gain.
| Rhythm Pre at 6.2 | Lows at 9.8 | Mids at 2 | Highs at 5.2 | Rhythm Post at 2 | Resonance at 9.2 | Presence at 9.8 | Output at 7 |

ok then i loaded the englv30higherpres-01 impulse into RIR with RESAMPLE and HIRES checked.

at the top of revalver youll need to adjust the output as this will clip, dont adjust ur input as a lower voltage makes it sound bad.

i also edited the tubes so that the last one is the EL84, and i then changed the input volatge to +2.8 or abit more, use it to suit your pickups.

Then after that if you using standalone revalver id chuck a GR* graphic eq in to chop the lows below 65 and low shgelve at 250 by like -3 db or more.

If ur in a DAW chuck on 3 2 band EQ's one high pass filter at 65hz, one with a low shelve at 350 -3db or so, then a high shelve on 950hz + 4db or so.

Use a multiband compressor with similar settings to sneap c4 to gain control of the lows a tiny bit more.

Anything else ud like to know id be happy to share :) Kris
Hi,flashGX, and welcome to this forum.

Your mix sounds pretty cool, dude. I use all software that you use in your song, except drums ( I use Superior 2 ). Anyway, I have liked the global sound of the song, although, to my liking, it sounds a little squashed.

Keep it recording more, dude! ;)
I really enjoyed this, its got a fair amount of clarity! I would suggest maybe using a bbe maximizer on your lead guitar to make it sound like its really pushing those 6505 tubes, it doesn't sound like its pushing or screaming quite as hard as it should be for a 6505 on a high volume setting. The drums could be a tad bit louder or panned out a bit to help get the feel of all of them. Unless you were just trying to focus on your lead guitar, then it I suppose its exactly what you want.

Hope my input helps :)