Please Rate my Mix - SSD3, SD2, AmpegSVX, Revalver


Tone is not in MY fingers
Apr 16, 2008
I've posted a new clip that I'm hoping you can help me out with.

  • Guitars and Bass were recorded direct through a Countryman DI
  • Guitars are quad tracked with Revalver (2x 6505+ w/ Awesometime impulses, 2x ACM900 w/ GuitarHack impulses)
  • Bass is AmpegSVX
  • Drums are mostly SSD3 with a smattering of SD2.0 thrown in.
I'm really looking for opinions on how this sounds overall. Weak, boomy, drums too loud, etc. As usual with the clips that I post here, I'm not really looking for a critique on the actual tune.

Clip - Mix 1

Thanks as always,

Sounds good to me, seems to be a good balance between all instruments.

The only thing I can think about is that the snare varies quite much in volume between hits, but maybe thats how you want it.
OK - here are some settings. I'm flattered that someone is actually asking me for this stuff, so I hope it helps someone. I'd still love to hear from anyone who can help me with the drums in particular - to me they just don't sound like what I was hoping to get from this mix.

Guitars -
- Quad tracked via a countryman direct box into 4 mono tracks in logic
- The only effects are Revalver and waves C4 - no EQ, etc. (see screens)
- Guitars are panned 1 hard left, 1 mid left (about -30), 1 mid right (about +30) and 1 hard right.
- Hard left and right are the 6505's using Awesometime impulse. The inner guitars are the ACM's using Guitarhack's "Edge Sneap"
- C4 is set up using Andy's C4 preset that is in the FAQ on this board

Bass is Ampeg SVX with the "Rock SVT-4 1" Preset and a Waves L1 Limiter.
The Bass is my recently replaced, noise-ridden Ibanez, recorded direct via my countryman DI

Kick and Snare are SSD (Kick 5 and Snare 12a)
The remaining Drums are SD2.0 with a bunch of effects that would probably make you vomit if you knew what I did.

As I said - I'm really not happy with the drum sounds. The toms sound like cardboard to me. I like the kick and snare, but that's about it...

I think I need to start spending more time finding "space" for everything in my mixes. Right now, it sounds like all of the instruments are fighting for the same frequency range, which makes this mix sound muddy and "small." Some of the mixes that you guys post on this board are just ridiculously huge, and so professional sounding, that I'm humbled by everyone's work on a daily basis.

Any other questions, please feel free to ask.


Hard L. and Hard R. Guitars

Inside L. and Inside R. Guitars

C4 on all Guitar Tracks
The only thing I didn't really like were the toms. They sounded kinda weak. They sound too gated and could use some reverb and boominess imo to bring out their presence. Maybe the velocity hits are too soft? I noticed a lot of times the toontrack toms sound like ass when not at a high velocity hit.