Please suggest me some SVT-4 Pro Settings

Aug 24, 2004
Our Bassist got a brand new Ampeg SVT 4 Pro Head and Ampeg 4x10 Cab yesterday. Can you guys suggest me some good Settings to start with, for live use? Bass is a Ibanez BTB 6 String.

We're heading for a Machine Headish sound.

Thank you guys!

you'll need a sansamp BDDI then.

Thats what Adam uses...

Also... make sure your cab is rated, last I checked (and I could be wrong) the SVT4Pro puts out something like 1000 watts in mono... and I haven't seen a ampeg 4x10 that can handle that rating...

I can manipulate a machine head ish tone with the AmpegSVX plug... would probably give you a good starting point...

I'm obsessed with Machine Head... btw...

Can you send the SVX Setting to

That would be great!!!!

Yeah... actually... if you could give me a bass DI to work with, that would rock... I would use something I already have, but I dont feel like opening up sessions/songs I already have setting for... might make me set it up wrong...

Throw one up on the ftp... if you dont have one or cant, then... see if someone else can... or give me a couple days to fix the input jack on my bass and I'll muster something up...
you'll need a sansamp BDDI then.

Thats what Adam uses..

He has a PSA-1 in his rig, but BDDI is so basic tool that almost everybody got one ;)

I've got good results live with Tech21 XXL Bass edition straight into Ampeg...or XXL into BDDI at the studio.

EDIT: Oh...and my settings for SVT2-pro are...
-15 pad on and enough gain (peak flickering...)
ultra low on
drive off
bass 1 o'clock
middle 3 o'clock
middle selector 4
treble 12 o'clock.

EQ to taste. I use music man stingray with EQ-controls centered