Please try to help me with this mix


Sep 14, 2008


i want to achieve a better sound ^^

but i think this is the best sound i ever got ( i am a noob =) )

again, i maybe could have a better timing on the guitar and it could be cleaner.. =/

but, are there other things i could improve ? ^^

just tell me what you "hear out" :rofl: ( dunno how to say that )

thanks ;)

ps: i did a new thread cause the older one was posted in another context
Im listening at low volume but it sounds like the guitars are panned really hard. Try bringing them in a little bit or quad tracking them.
Production wise it sounds much better than the first post, not as harsh as this one. You get a nice loudness in your mixes also. Keep up the good work, keep practicing, you have nice results so far. A little bass heavy, some of the palm muted stuff starts to loss its definition. A harmony part or two were out of key of each other, if the guitars were in tune you may want to check your intonation.
when i reduce the bass i doesn't sound good anymore ^^ so it has to be a little bass heavy =)