Please VOTE for the NOTMAN!


Feb 2, 2002
There's a site where you can rate pictures on a 1-10 scale. You do have to register for free, and you do have to vote for at least 25 pictures for it to count. But if you guys could give "Cigars, Booze, and Finger Puppets" a 10, that would help out big time!
Here's the link:
Just click on one of the pics and rate it. Then keep going until you see the Notman puppet and give him a 10, he loves you. Then rate until you've rated at least 25. Thank you thank you!
One more thing, if you comment, you need to be nice or it wont count. And you have to comment and THEN vote. AND, if you comment on the Notman pic, comment on other pics too. Don't be obvious that you're voting for the Notman and not others.
Thanks again!:headbang: