Plugins that spark your creativity


The Apprentice
The title says it all. I thought it would be nice to discuss some plugins that really inspire or help you to CREATE.

personally I feel that this is where my setup is lacking the most. I have a few free synths thati barely know how to use.

I think my favorite creative plugin is Twin Delay. It's a free stereo delay that lets you do some awesome ping pong effects.
Dblueglitch is something that comes through for me fairly often as well. Also free.

I'm really interested to see what you guys use :)
Personally I mainly stick to stock Reaper plugins, free stuff, and anything on sale. Comps, eq, ampsims, are what mainly get used.

If I sit there tweaking knobs on some crazy plugin for hours, it usually ruins my creative flow.
Create? Sometimes not even for my projects!ahah I usually choose a preset and tweak it as I want. So, not much for creativity.
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. When I say "spark your creativity" basically I'm talking about plugins that you can slap on a channel, spend a minute or two trying out presets or tweaking, and boom! You have a really awesome and interesting sound.
ValhallaDSP Ubermod
I bought that thing as a flavour delay when it came out, but I ended up using it for almost any kind of weird effect I could come up with ever since. From subtle warm warbly stereo spread on vocals to inverted black holes with disco lights on frozen farts... it's insane.

Try their VintageVerb too (or any one of their verbs really). You won't regret it. With those two combined, you will become the king of space and time for a 100 dollars. And they are both pretty light on the CPU too.

Okay ValhallaDSP, I'll take my 5 dollars now ;)
Tyrell N6. I can always play around with making patches and come up a winner.

In a few weeks I'm popping on an e-kit and am going to try to find some decent electronic samples and plugins to make a hybrid kit with, that should be some fun.
ValhallaShimmer. It's insane. It's like the reverse reverbs turn into strings or synths.
You could just sit and zone out playing guitar with it. So hippie. Much ambient.
not a plugin, but my kemper always seems to make me write a riff or two when i plug it in and experiment with some different styles
Waves element has been my synth of choice since i bought it, great sounds, cool seq/arp section too, saves me having to fumble around with reason 4 though i do like the redrum instrument in reason,

as was already mentioned the soundtoys stuff is great for getting crazy sounds, i also love any kind of filtered rhythmic gate, just playing one guitar chord into it and you have a great rhythm, pure bliss.

i found the u-he synths and effects to be pretty cool when i tested them, but dont own anything any more except their free zebra plug.

out of the box, i love the octo setting on the line6 verbzilla, so dreamy, the moog freqbox and the bisquit by oto machines
not a plugin, but my kemper always seems to make me write a riff or two when i plug it in and experiment with some different styles

I was going to mention the Kemper too, very inspiring piece of gear!