POD farm Platinum .. users?

It's okay, it's easy to use and there are lots of different amp (and cab) modulations.
I've got it but I've got a Kemper now, and since it's so many times better (you can't even compare it), I'll probably never touch POD Farm again.
Don't know about the price for an upgrade though, I bought all at once a couple of years ago.
I recently got Revalver III.V and Pod Farm (the version before Platinum, not the free one but that other version) and am considering buying the Metal Shop for Pod Farm 2.5. I'm wondering if I'd be missing anything special should I decide to skip it and get the bass shop instead. I definitely need more options for bass processing.

I also have TH2, but I'm not a really big fan of a lot of the emulations. It's good, but it could be better. I also have some Amplitube models from the custom shop. In particular I'm wondering about IK's Engl amp compared to Line6's Engl emulation in Pod Farm. I love IK's version, but can anyone offer any insight on Pod Farm's?
TH2 kills POD Farm IMO and so does ReValver. Unless you're looking for a specific sound that neither have, I wouldn't bother wasting your money.
Use the TSE X50 for Rhythm, and POD Farm for clean tones and effects. You don't need platinum, the X50 slays every commercial amspim I ever tried!
I only have it for tracking, very usefull for that situation. Would not prefer it over any real miced cab with amp, but it works.
Never could dial in a proper tone with Amplitube, PODfarm however, works.