POD Farm question/fault


Mar 25, 2011
Hi folk, could I get some advice from some POD farm owners please?

A friend of mine gave me a loan of his copy of POD farm platinum with the ilok as he is away on a tour/holiday and as much as I like real amps I'm indeed enjoying what is here. I like things that work 'out the box' and I instantly found a few tones that fitted really well within a few minutes.

I am thinking of buying it for myself but there seems to be some sort of bug in the program.

Sometimes the amps will be on full gain and other times it will just sound bypassed even though it is not. This happens when I select a new amp to try out that isn't a preset or when I get a good tone (by changing a preset) and copy my instance of POD farm over to another channel. All the setting are the same but no matter if I turn the controls or bypass on and off it just sounds like it's either on a clean channel even with the gain on the amp at full or is bypassed fully.

Am I missing something? Is there a switch on the amps that goes between clean and gain channels that I haven't seen? Ive read the manual but I honestly couldn't find anything!

Very random and strange situation, but is this in all POD farms or has my friend got a duff copy? He's never mentioned this problem before.

Cool story, bro
This is the latest version 2.5. I guess it must be some sort of compatibility issue with Win 7 64.

Oh well doesn't matter. Was good while it lasted, but I think I'll stick to my 5150.


I got my platinum license from the sister of the mother of my drummer's previous band's sound engineer whos a working musician he said he had no use for it anymore as he is away on a tour/holiday and got it from a friend that´s an audio engineer! So know it´s mine
It is version 2.5, or at least I think it is. I did get an update for it because of compatibility issues I have had before with not updating.

It's not a cracked version, it is a boxed CD-Rom with ilok and I'm not into piracy but if this is the problems people are getting from these new Line 6 products then I'm sort of glad people have an option to try before they buy. I'd be pretty pissed off if I paid £200 for a faulty program.

When will companies stop releasing untested version of their products and just get it right the first time.

Anyway It seemed like fun when it worked but I can't see how it's any better then the wealth of free amp sims and impulses that are available so I won't be buying it anyway.