Pod Xt or Mbox?....


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
I allready have a pod xt n shizz but im tempted by the mbox , ive never used one but heard some pretty killer results...What you guys reckon? stick with what i have or experiment with an mbox?

A Pod XT is basically a guitar amp modeling preamp, and an Mbox is a USB hardware interface for Pro Tools recording software, and has nothing in itself to do with guitar amp modeling...
A Pod XT will let you record over usb, so if all you need to record is your guitar, or hell, even a mic adapted to plug into the 1/4" jack on the Pod XT to sing through (with GearBox plugins you can get some killer preamp modeling!), then it can suit you just fine.

I don't really think there's any special advantage to the MBox, it's overpriced, and unless you NEED to run/learn Pro Tools, there's a lot better values out there for the money. What recording software are you using? Mac or PC?
i guess i was quite vague.

Well i mean for recordin guitars which one is better suited?

if the mbox is just an interface i could use it with the pod then correct?

Sure, but you can use the pod xt just the same over usb and that takes out one unnecesarry step of d/a - a/d conversion.