podxt as a midi sequencer?

Mat Laperle

Dec 30, 2006

If anyone could tell me what I should do to make this work it would be great..
Well, I want to connect my keyboard or my v-drum via midi to my podxt midi ports and use the pod as a soundcard and do it through cubase...
I tried everything i could but with no success..
then i guess the real question is, is it possible to do? or do i need a real sequencer?
But if i can do it, could someone explain me how please!!

thanks a lot!
I don't think you can do that man. Best thing I can recommend is an Edirol UM-1ex. I bought one a while back to get the MIDI from my DM-5 Module into my Mac when using my electronic drumkit. With that I was able to have EZDrummer and DFHS triggering live from the e-kit, as well as record the MIDI coming in all via USB. Very low (almost 0ms) latency from the USB unit which is really good for tracking e-kits live. Just take a MIDI cable from the module to the UM-1ex, then USB into your computer. It'll pop up as a MIDI device in your sequencer (Cubase, Nuendo, PT, DP, etc.).


Hmm, just took a look at my XT Live and noticed there are, in fact, MIDI input and output spots. Wierd. I would contact Line6 if I were you, or at least take a peek at the manual online from them (PDF) and see what you can find. They also have a forum on their site. As far as I know though, I've never heard of using it that way.

On the 2.0 PODs the MIDI jacks were for using the Edit software with them since they didn't have USB ports or anything on it. Also could hook up an expression pedal or floorboard controller (looks like an XT Live, kinda) to use the POD live, etc.

I have a feeling that the MIDI input/outputs are purely for editing the tones as per the POD 2 which EA mentioned.

The POD XT isn't a midi interface which it sounds like you're after. You should be able to pickup a midi to USB adapter for next to nothing that will do what you want it to.
hmm yeah, i've read every pdf i could about it.. on the manual they say that it is possible to plug a midi keyboard on the podxt, but no further infos... I just don't understand...
oh well i'm still open to know if someone ever worked with midi, with the podxt...
and thank you guys
the MIDI on a POD is for program change and CC mesages. If you get a sequencer you can use midi to change presets on the pod. Or you can use the pod's midi out to send program change messages so that whenever you switch presets the keyboard or other device will change too.