New cuestion about podxt!


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
well im really thinking on buy a podxt cause i cannot find a 5150 for sale here in my dam country...

iv been also downloading the clips of the podxt recordings on this forum and i am in shock...

so my cuestion is :

can i use the podxt like a head into a 4x12 cabinget?

i mean if i want to rehearsal and i own just the cabinet i would like to connect my podxt in the cab.. can i do that and use the podxt as a head ?

You need a head to power the cab, bro. You could get one of those little crate haeads, hell I've powered a 4x12 with a little Crate practice amp speaker out. You'd be amazed how good it can sound in a pinch.

yeah but i dunno y hate crate cabs ( speakers )

and i also own a marshall 1960a so...

but i cannot play at home cause i dont have a head and i am short of money :heh:
so i need to do something quick!

so if someone could answer my question i would buy the podxt this week
The POD can work as a preamp, but the power amp is still necessary. Something has to turn the relatively quiet signal from the POD into something that can power speakers - there are combos made just for modelers, which should be available somewhere near you, and there are plenty of cheap power amps out there. Grab one of those and enjoy.

If you're short on cash, you could consider something like this:

Don't know what it sounds like (probably crap), but since you're gonna use it just for practising, it should do fine. Just plug the Pod in the effect loop return of the Powerblock, the Powerblock to your 1960 and you're good to go. But the Pod by itself isn't enough to drive your cab.
I've been meaning to check out the PowerBlock to possibly run behind my XTL and into a cab. Seems pretty interesting but then again....will it sound like crap or not? That is the question.

*Off to find clips*

Yeah, the powerblock. Someone brought one in a while back. I was shocked, man. Shit sound on it's own, but would be perfect for a pod. Nah, you could just get a $20 little combo practice amp with a speaker out on it. It'll power a 4x12. For a cheap fix, this would work.
Yeah, the powerblock. Someone brought one in a while back. I was shocked, man. Shit sound on it's own, but would be perfect for a pod. Nah, you could just get a $20 little combo practice amp with a speaker out on it. It'll power a 4x12. For a cheap fix, this would work.

Good point, and I would too go with that if the only purpose for the purchase is to practice at home. A 4x12 for home practice is, after all, exaggerating a bit :) But then again, if there suddenly comes a need to play with a band or you need a backup amp for gigs, then the Pod-Powerblock could be a better investment. It probably won't sound too amazing at loud volumes, but I guess it'll do better than nothing. Just my five cents, though :)
Good point, and I would too go with that if the only purpose for the purchase is to practice at home. A 4x12 for home practice is, after all, exaggerating a bit :) But then again, if there suddenly comes a need to play with a band or you need a backup amp for gigs, then the Pod-Powerblock could be a better investment. It probably won't sound too amazing at loud volumes, but I guess it'll do better than nothing. Just my five cents, though :)

is not just for "PRACTICE" at home, i was saying that i need something to play here of course for practice also, but also, tu record good stuff .. and semi pro may be for the new album of my powermetal band...

also in our rehearsal place we have 2 heads and cabs so there is no problem on that :rock:

and pod xt is good for " saving " money and have good " emuamps " ( new word lol ) at home dont you think?
I've been meaning to check out the PowerBlock to possibly run behind my XTL and into a cab. Seems pretty interesting but then again....will it sound like crap or not?

I tried a PowerBlock with my XT and thought it sounded like crap, but haven't found anything I would recommend instead. :erk:

Tried one of the original Atomic Reactor combos the other day and wasn't impressed. Still want to try a Peavey Classic rack power amp or maybe a fullrange keyboard amp before giving up on using the XT for anything but recording.