podXT question & tips needed


Boob inspector
Jun 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi guys,

I just bought a used PodXT yesterday for 130$. I'm not a fan of amp modelling in general but I think it still has it's use in leads and solos (even some clean parts). It will double as a girlfriend-friendly "practice-amp".

Do you guys recommend buying any or all of the downloadable packs for the PodXT?

Also, are there any hints/tips you can share (other than selling it :heh:)?
some amps with a podxt (like the treadplate models) have a bit of run away fizz at 4hz or so. Keep an eye out for that. Also if you ever record look at low passing anywhere between 8-12hz as line6 has its signature fizz around there which is annoying as folk