Poets Of The Fall - New Album "Jealous Gods" Out Sept. 19!


Jan 30, 2008

"Our new album Jealous Gods will be released on September 19 on iTunes, Spotify (plus other digi shops & streaming services) and select record stores. The album's first single Daze and a new music video will see the light of day (or darkness of night...) on August 22.

We have also prepared a special countdown to the new single & video - and we know you have asked a lot about this: each Friday, starting July 11 with "Signs of Life", we will release one of our albums on Spotify in chronological order. We will remind you of each new Spotify release on Twitter, so be sure to follow us there: http://twitter.com/poetsofthefall "
Awesome freakin band. These Fins should be HUGE, but they are largely unknown stateside. Best non-metal rockish band in the industry today. I think they'll have to up the heavy factor with this release, though. The last one was a little boring at times but still quality.
Love Poets of the Fall. I was really, really hoping they might have a show scheduled when I was in Finland in March (because when else am I ever going to have a chance to see them live?), but no such luck, as they were busy recording this at the time.
No problem! They are my favorite non-metal band, so naturally I want to spread the news. I feel like by this point they are successful enough to be able to invest in ONE US tour. A guy can dream, right?

On a semi-related note, has anyone else here seen their live CD/DVD that was released last year? I would've modified the tracklist slightly if it was up to me, but the performance is incredible. Many of the songs sound better live than they do on record (especially the ones off Signs of Life).
I bought a few POTF discs for a friend of mine while I was in Helsinki, since they're not available in the US - we both have them all digitally, but he wanted the discs just to put a little more money in the band's pocket. I did see the Live in Moscow DVD and *almost* bought it, but it was PAL format, and I didn't have a way to find out if he was able to play it, so I didn't. (I wasn't sure if I could play it either, and it turns out that my standalone DVD player won't, but my PC will.)
I bought a few POTF discs for a friend of mine while I was in Helsinki, since they're not available in the US - we both have them all digitally, but he wanted the discs just to put a little more money in the band's pocket. I did see the Live in Moscow DVD and *almost* bought it, but it was PAL format, and I didn't have a way to find out if he was able to play it, so I didn't. (I wasn't sure if I could play it either, and it turns out that my standalone DVD player won't, but my PC will.)

Same here; my PS3 isn't able to play that (along with other live DVDs in that format) so I had to hook up my laptop to my TV. They had a kickstarter for it a while back and I got a sweet shirt, the dvd, and a digital download of the audio. It would be nice if they put the live audio on iTunes and other digital stores (or even CD, i'd buy it again if they did that) so more people could get it.
Also, can anyone recommend me bands similar to Poets of the Fall? They are literally the only non-metal band I listen to on a regular basis.
Also, can anyone recommend me bands similar to Poets of the Fall? They are literally the only non-metal band I listen to on a regular basis.

Check out a band called Phoenix Effect. They have a similar song structure, maybe a bit more poppy, but still cooler than anything else that's on the radio now. I think it's produced by one of the Poets band members as well. The only album I know of is called Cyanide Skies. Youtube them and see what you think.
The album came out a couple days ago. This disc is a lot closer to pop than rock than their previous albums, and it's pretty mellow even for POTF, but I've had "Jealous Gods" in particular and also "Hounds to Hamartia" and "Rogue" on repeat around here.
I've got to say this new one is a pass for me. I would not have thought I'd ever do that, but this material is so light and fluffy. They are known for powerful, insightful lyrics and matching musical compositions. This sounds like R.E.M. and whatever other bands of that ilk are like. I'm not sure what the target audience was for this release, but it's apparent it wasn't their current fan base.
Eh, you know, I didn't really like Temple of Thought for quite a while either, but I revisited it a couple months ago and decided I liked it much better. This disc may need some time to grow as well. One of the great things about them is that there's always something new to discover; they often throw in references to their other CDs lyrically and musically, and I've learned so much I didn't know about the music from reading the POTF forum.
I've only heard it once or twice on Spotify (CD's in the mail) but I like it. There aren't any obvious throwaways (like ToT's "Cradled in Love"), so that's a plus. I wish there were more "rocking" songs though, and the instrumental is a bit of a disappointment. It's nice to see the band still experimenting, but I feel like the instrumental was made just to give Marko a break at live shows. It's hard to say how it stacks up compared to the rest of their releases at this point, but I don't think it's one of my favorite albums of theirs. I think my favorite song on it is Brighter than the Sun. I really like the lyrics on Rebirth too.
I was a bit worried when I heard Daze. It's basically a pop song. A killer tune but no rock in there. I was hoping for more rocking like others but this is a pop album through and through made for chart success. I guess the band is trying to break out a little. I like the album after the initial disappointment but anyone who enjoyed the band's more uptempo rock songs will find very few of those elements. Having said that the melodies sung by Marco are still out of this world. The guy has a knack for melodies that grab and won't let go. Recently I found out they are playing my local haunt unfortunately I never found out and the gig is long sold out as it's their debut gig here. Damn shame. I'd love to have seen them live to see if Marco really is that amazing singer that I think he is.
I like the new album, and I guess I'm in the minority for loving "Daze". Yeah, it lacked punch, but I don't listen to POTF for the bitchin' riffs. The vocal melodies were dead on and powerful as anything they've delivered since "Carnival of Rust". The love I have for that one song kind of sucked my enjoyment out of the rest of the album for the first couple of listens, but "Hounds to Hamartia", "Rogue", "Nothing Stays the Same" and "Rebirth" are really fucking good songs. Still, I have a feeling this will be one of those albums I come back to years later just to listen to my favorites and skip the rest. "Twilight Theater" is the kind of album where everything fits together perfectly and I can listen to it straight through. This one seems to skip around a lot as far as the mood goes, even the transition between songs one and two is kind of jarring, and happy stuff like "Brighter Than the Sun" and "Clear Blue Sky" doesn't fit as well with the more melancholy and introspective stuff that I gravitate to.