Poets Of The Fall - New Album "Jealous Gods" Out Sept. 19!

I like the new album, and I guess I'm in the minority for loving "Daze". Yeah, it lacked punch, but I don't listen to POTF for the bitchin' riffs. The vocal melodies were dead on and powerful as anything they've delivered since "Carnival of Rust".

Agreed, and I'm in the minority with you - I've been playing the *crap* out of Daze since it was released as a single. I'm not afraid of music that's closer to pop than rock; I just expect a certain level of musicianship that you don't usually (almost never) find in pop. Marko can do almost no wrong (well, except maybe the solo album; I was largely unimpressed with that), but the whole band doesn't just rest on him; they're all solid musicians, and that makes up for a lot.

As for the rest, I've always found a high rate of "filler" songs on POTF albums, but when they get it right, *damn* they're awesome. I don't usually listen to entire albums; I just make a playlist of my favorite songs and go from there.
I have been a closet fan for a while but it's now time to come out.

I bought Carnival of Rust a couple years back and I've been working my way back since then. I still hold CoR as their best.

Now here comes the new one Jealous Gods. It's definitely poppier and the guitars are often way too far back in the mix. That being said, I still really enjoy it. The melodies are strong, the instrumental Rogue reminds me of Enchant's best moments doing the same thing, certainly one of the highlights. There's also an 80s vibe probably due to the keys that fits the music well. The singing is godly as usual.

So, if you take it for what it is, it's an excellent pop rock disc. Definitely recommanded!
I checked this tune out because I was curious why so many of you like this particular non-metal band. I wasn't expecting to, but I definitely dig this tune. The guitar part that goes on throughout is really sweet, and the vocals are amazing. I'm pretty sure my wife would like these guys.

You're all right about the musicianship. It's definitely there. This tune feels crafted, rather than mass produced. I suppose that counts for quite a lot.
"Temple of Thought" unplugged live in the studio - good example of the musicianship and of Marko's voice without the falsetto. (also a good example of strongly emotional music, if that's your thing, as people were discussing in the Anathema thread.)

I checked this tune out because I was curious why so many of you like this particular non-metal band. I wasn't expecting to, but I definitely dig this tune. The guitar part that goes on throughout is really sweet, and the vocals are amazing. I'm pretty sure my wife would like these guys.

You're all right about the musicianship. It's definitely there. This tune feels crafted, rather than mass produced. I suppose that counts for quite a lot.

It is pretty weird that an alt-rock band has such a following on this board, but I guess you can see why it's become such a big deal. I came across them the same way you did, curious about what everybody was talking about, but I've become a huge fan.

I like the song a lot. I like the video (and there's a lot of motifs that call back to Carnival of Rust in this). Not entirely sure what the two have to do with each other, though!
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