Poison My Eyes

Th|s|sNotAnEx|t said:
i love this song!
have they ever played it live?

i bought the Last Action Hero soundtrck just for that song lol


and of course there are other good songs on there
This song is definitely one hell of a rocker. I don't know why Brentney said it wasn't even a real song. What's that supposed to mean? Just because it wasn't on an LP it isn't a real song?? I don't know.
not a real song!?
how so?? lol i dont get it.... the song is so awesome, im surprised it wasnt released on SoWN... easily wouldve been another classic! (tho it still is in my eyes)
The track was slated for SOWN but they just couldn't fit it in, if I remember correctly. They felt the record was a good set of tracks as it was.
yeah man ,poison my eyes rules....... fuck knpows how it didn't make sown , maybe they just wanted a few tasty bits left over for that sort of thing, you know you are making a pretty shit hot album when you can afford to drop a killer track like poison my eyes.......
AlexStomp said:
It's documented here somewhere, I can't remember, Justin may be able to locate it but Brentney said it's not even a real song.

I believe it was during NFF's 800 polls on the best Anthrax song, where he did one poll that was all B-sides. I could be wrong, but you can look it up in a previous page (I'd go back a few months, or maybe NFF would be nice enough to tell us when it was since they were all his fault anyway :lol: ).
I think Brent said 'Poison My Eyes' is the worst Anthrax song "by a county mile and a half" or something like that. It's under a thread about what is the worst Anthrax song.....or something....I don't feel like searching for it.

Also, somewhere at some time, Brent said that he teases the band about it.
He says something like he wants Anthrax to pay him back for buying the Last Action Hero soundtrack (where "Poison My Eyes" comes from).

"Poison My Eyes" kicks ass, no matter what Brent says!!