Police shut us down.


Nov 12, 2005
Don't Stop Make it Pop
DJ blown my speakers out

Tonight I'ma fight
Till we see the sunlight

Tick tock on the clock
But the party don't stop No

oh, oh oo whoa oo whoa oh
Oh oo whoa oo whoa oh

still, she sounds like uffie.

ah and what about
I fucking deleated COBOT from the tabbed bookmark things in Firefox. The only reason I come here...Muscle memory. Just habit. Its the same reason people watch The Simpsons. They just...fucking...do.

So, I'm basically leaving. There is no reason to be here other than to feed the trolls. Every person I thought was cool from this forum, is gone.

That being said. I will not be missed, by anyone. The people who would have missed me, were done with this place ages ago, and will probably not even see this. These people also have me either on facebook or msn, so contact with me will be there, though I doubt it will happen , no offence, I can be the chatty/ranting type, but I cannot begin a conversation.

Cool people, some not here anymore; Joe, François, Vikky, Nikki (yeah you bitch), Muffin, Bloody Scalpel, to a lesser extent Squee, and the odd chance the glorious and fantastically awesome Andy sees this. Any reason to contact me, you know how. ANyone I forgot in this category, apologies, I can be very talkative at times, but cannot start a conversation...I'm fucked like that. Almost forgot Swabs, who's transformation, was not necessary in the least bit, but is well deserving of applause, and despite falling for trolls really easyily, is fucking tops. I've already agreed I'm to meet with Andy in person, and I will, so I've it happens over there you are getting a call. We'll hunt clunge and bum if we fail.

Cool people past (honourable mentions): Dred, Marchuiousouocas New York dude, French Canadian Kevin, Gonzo and RoJ (you two, entertainment though my entire summer job one year ), Lady Ratkiankingaknvaskn, and probably more I forgot.

Mid Tier.
Zack...I like your purple shirt, go shopping, chicks know you wear the same shirt every day...Eddy, sorry I didn't add you on facebook when you first tried, didn't know who it was, lawl, still, not to be a dick I have no reason to talk to you and dont know why you really added me, not that I'm opposed, but still :/ .

Shit teir.

Emnity, stop falling for trolling. Like, you are stink bait to these fuckers. The people who tend to fall for trolling shit tend to be lacking in self confidence. It shows brah, nut the fuck up.

Weeabo violin kid, you aren't a troll, just... fucked. Lose some weight and cut you're hair. You'll be much happier.

Marie. You're boyfriend doesn't have friends of his own becuase they all made fun of him for dating you. He was a virgin, who had a crush on you, and you fucked him because he didnt douse your cunt in Comet the second you got within 5ft of him. He's attached because hes a weak willed, pathetic peice of shit, just like you. Grow up, also lose some weight, preferbaly by blowing it out your head with a fucking shotgun.

Chris, you dated that, you stuck your dick in comet-vag, and you did it publicly over the internet. You look like you wear jerri-curl, I assume you don't.

Good night, farewell.

Oh, Alexi_666_CObomgSex.

best poster here. I want you're biceps.

you did it!
I'm glad you still can type the url yourself.

to be honest, I always thought you were one of the not so fucked persons here, that sounded pretty much like joonas, I just hope he hacked your account a few weeks ago.
To be honest I think snowy has just totally made something out of nothing. Attention whoring? Like Jewnas? It's a random thread with coloured song lyrics that probably took about 5 seconds to post.
+1 i honeslty don't care that he or someone else talks shit in posts about one or many members (its even funny sometimes like Snowy and Joonas :lol:), it's just that making a thread about how lame we are and making a list about who's cool and who's not AND coming back when supposedly drunk or whatever is pathetic :)
Thank you Cliff. This thread has acted as a trap, catching up all the people who annoy the fuck out of me and allowed me to single them out and add them to my ignore list.

The more people I add, the better this place gets :D
Thank you Cliff. This thread has acted as a trap, catching up all the people who annoy the fuck out of me and allowed me to single them out and add them to my ignore list.

The more people I add, the better this place gets :D

Add yourself to the list.
Thank you Cliff. This thread has acted as a trap, catching up all the people who annoy the fuck out of me and allowed me to single them out and add them to my ignore list.

The more people I add, the better this place gets :D

Indeed, once you block everyone, it would be amazing wouldn't it? Almost like your bedroom.

Nope, snowy doesn't have a point, in the slightest.

Leandro has an opinion, even in the slightest.
I don't even know wtf that is supposed to mean :lol: Almost like my bedroom?

And aren't you in Australia? You spent $1800 to go visit a girl on the other side of the world and you still find time to troll here. If you went all the way there just to do the same shit you do at home then you should have put more thought into your trip.

You do know $1800 could buy you a lot of hookers, booze and motel rooms. . . not to mention you wouldn't need to fly 28 hours to get your dick wet.
Yep. And he drops $1800 on airfare alone to see her. This is fucking retarded at his age unless he:

-already owns a vehicle.
-has a place of his own/lives away from parents.
-already bought everything needed to fill said apartment (furniture, electronics, etc).
-has utilities in his name such as hydro/water/phone/cell/cable/internet.
-has his college education all planned and funds to pay for it.
-already has a good amount of savings in his bank (minimum 5K-10K).


-is rich and wipes his ass with $100s.
^well to be honest, I think I kind of do make a lot of money. I don't pay any bills cause almost all of it is paid by the company I work for. I also get paid tax free, so I guess I do make a lot. :lol:

And to answer some things...
- I do live away from my parents.
- I do have a vehicle in which I never need to use.
- I already have enough goodies in my apartment and work dorm.
- I do have utilities for free.
- I get college and uni for free, though I haven't had the need to take it as of yet.
- I have a good amount of money in my bank account, I guess.

I might try wiping my ass with $100, by the way
I fucking deleated COBOT from the tabbed bookmark things in Firefox. The only reason I come here...Muscle memory. Just habit. Its the same reason people watch The Simpsons. They just...fucking...do.

So, I'm basically leaving. There is no reason to be here other than to feed the trolls. Every person I thought was cool from this forum, is gone.

That being said. I will not be missed, by anyone. The people who would have missed me, were done with this place ages ago, and will probably not even see this. These people also have me either on facebook or msn, so contact with me will be there, though I doubt it will happen , no offence, I can be the chatty/ranting type, but I cannot begin a conversation.

Cool people, some not here anymore; Joe, François, Vikky, Nikki (yeah you bitch), Muffin, Bloody Scalpel, to a lesser extent Squee, and the odd chance the glorious and fantastically awesome Andy sees this. Any reason to contact me, you know how. ANyone I forgot in this category, apologies, I can be very talkative at times, but cannot start a conversation...I'm fucked like that. Almost forgot Swabs, who's transformation, was not necessary in the least bit, but is well deserving of applause, and despite falling for trolls really easyily, is fucking tops. I've already agreed I'm to meet with Andy in person, and I will, so I've it happens over there you are getting a call. We'll hunt clunge and bum if we fail.

Cool people past (honourable mentions): Dred, Marchuiousouocas New York dude, French Canadian Kevin, Gonzo and RoJ (you two, entertainment though my entire summer job one year ), Lady Ratkiankingaknvaskn, and probably more I forgot.

Mid Tier.
Zack...I like your purple shirt, go shopping, chicks know you wear the same shirt every day...Eddy, sorry I didn't add you on facebook when you first tried, didn't know who it was, lawl, still, not to be a dick I have no reason to talk to you and dont know why you really added me, not that I'm opposed, but still :/ .

Shit teir.

Emnity, stop falling for trolling. Like, you are stink bait to these fuckers. The people who tend to fall for trolling shit tend to be lacking in self confidence. It shows brah, nut the fuck up.

Weeabo violin kid, you aren't a troll, just... fucked. Lose some weight and cut you're hair. You'll be much happier.

Marie. You're boyfriend doesn't have friends of his own becuase they all made fun of him for dating you. He was a virgin, who had a crush on you, and you fucked him because he didnt douse your cunt in Comet the second you got within 5ft of him. He's attached because hes a weak willed, pathetic peice of shit, just like you. Grow up, also lose some weight, preferbaly by blowing it out your head with a fucking shotgun.

Chris, you dated that, you stuck your dick in comet-vag, and you did it publicly over the internet. You look like you wear jerri-curl, I assume you don't.

Good night, farewell.

Oh, Alexi_666_CObomgSex.

best poster here. I want you're biceps.

LOL, when did this happen? I laughed a lot, especially at "Gonzo and RoJ (you two, entertainment though my entire summer job one year )". :lol: