Polish Enemies MetalMania Trip - story&pics


Mar 2, 2003
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Ok., got some time to write a bit more of the review.

I must say that it was just a great metal weekend with the two MetalMania festivals we went to see with SuiTommy. Could have been better if it was Testament headlining, but due to some misunderstanding of the Polish promoter and Maximus Ent. it didn’t happen. So the Polish Legions t-shirts that are waiting for the band till they put their feet on Polish ground are still safe in my closet for the next occassion.

We set off on friday 4.00 am got to Zlin around 13.00, found a hotel, ate dinner, had some very good and cheap beers, watched some very nice Czech girls, and finally went to the venue.[/COLOR]

Two gigs I was waiting to see there – Soilwork&Nevermore. Both bands got 1.15 and they used it well.
It was my first time seing Soilwork. Their performance was pretty good, the new guy – Daniel from Dimension Zero – was doing a good job however his lead playing was not as fluent as it should be, he was explaining later on that he had some technical difficulties. Speed is a good singer I must say, managing all the “screaming” parts quite well and clean parts also. As you might have expect solos very pretty cool!

after the gig we also did an interwiev with Ola and had some photosession - here is one of the results ..

Follow the Hollow was the last one in the set (wish Chcuk could be there to sing “his” part) and then we were just waiting for Nevermore.

They simply crashed. Warrel is in great form, and the soundman gave as much of his vocals as he should. Exactly.

When it comes to Jeff – I simply don’t believe I could witness a better performance from him than it was in Zlin. One just cannot make it better, he was going crazy with his solos.

However the best solo moment came from Steve. When he was trying to play his solo part in Bittersweat something went wrong with the pedal so he couldn’t sound as he wished – maaan you could see how angry our Stefek was – so, in the Final product he went absolutely mad with his lead part, he was literally raping his guitar, and the guitar seemed almost fail to deliver those fast&furious notes he was squeezing out of it! UNFORGETABLE.

For the moment those two are the best guitar duo on this planet. Jeff solos &Steve’s improvisations make Nevermore shows something special.
Not to mention the rhytm section that keeps those guys together - Van&Jim – do exactly what they should – no showing off but if you listen carefully you can hear what they are doing. On the other hand I would like Van to go more crazy from time to time, being such a good drummer that he is I would like more exposure to his abilities in NM songs, just a little more of crazy passes here and there would make my day.

After the gig …let’s just say we had a possibility to have a chat with the band, so here I wanted to thank all of the Neverguys for sparing their time to the Polish Enemies. It was cool to talk to you and find out that you are all nice and friendly! We also hope you liked the T-shirts!

So next day – after not much of sleeping, we headed to Poland.....

45 minutes was the Nevermore’s time there – and they used it well again. The sound was not as good as in Zlin (not so selective) but still they went through the audience as a bulldozer. Forgot to say that on both nights we got pretty furious setlist – just Heart Collector for catching some breath and the rest…. Let just say this in Poland after murdering the crowd with the title track from “Enemies of reality” Warrel said “So do you want us to play something faster” ???? Like EoR wasn’t fast enough …and we got “Born”!!! Of corz the nice accent was the band wearing Polish Enemies shirts on stage and later on for signing session!







We also had bands like Moonspell, Anathema, Therion, Unleashed, UDO, and more but only local Acid Drinkers came close to Nevermore for me.

And that would be it…

Wanted also to thank my buddy STCycoMasterSuiTee for the trip, (“I am not going to Katowice” three beers in the train and he fortunately forgot about this) and the other members of Polish Enemies Squad, again Nevermore for being so friendly and most important – for their music.

And most important THANK YOU Mr Steve!!!!
It was so good to see you again – thanks for spending so much time with us despite the jet lag!!! Already missing you and hope to see you in September!!! You rule!!!
Yep...that was a great trip for me as well, the closer the gig was, the more excitement I felt :rolleyes: As Darek wrote, Steve and Jeff are the best guitar duo nowadays - I`m glad that such a classic guitar-duos like Tipton/Downing, Smith/Murray, Hetfield/Hammet, Holt/Hunolt, Skolnick/Peterson have been followed by the Loomis/Smyth duo who brought it to another, higher level :shred:
and to watch you guys playing is unspeakable pleasure, just as much like listening to Warrel`s crystal-clear voice full of passion and emotions live and hearing the rhythm-section playing very frequently and perfectly tieing the whole band :hornsbang:

And it was great having possibility to hang out with you guys, share our impressions, exchange points of view on certain things and too feel that we all bleed red :hornsbang:

And when I told you guys I aint gonna be in Katowice, I really meant it. And you opinions about my choice made me changing my mind in the morning after delicious breakfast xoxo
soulflypl said:
Wanted also to thank my buddy STCycoMasterSuiTee for the trip, (“I am not going to Katowice” three beers in the train and he fortunately forgot about this)

Don`t make a sissy out of me.... :p It took 5 beers to make this choice, 2 in the fancy restaurant near the trains station when we played pool-billiard accompanied by Testament, and another 3 in the train xoxo

Indeed, I was was about to skip Katowice due to money issue, but on the other hand I wanted not to miss a firsat ever and great NM performance in my homeland, and to suprise a few folks :p

Of cuz I had the chance to meet Jimmy, Mike and a couple of other folks not seen in a long time. I must say that Darek and me were teasing lots of people gathered for NM and I hope they agreed with us when looking for their jaws on the floor after their marvelous performance :hornsbang:

It was great to see you guys again at the meet&greet session, honestly I can`t wait to see you on tour again and to have the opportunity to hang out with you guys too :hornsbang:

Stefek, you rule xoxo

I`d like to hank all my Polish mates who shared the same passion for these 2 crazy days :hornsbang:

PS. Let`s just say that before and after the show in Katowice lots of people were trying to get the Polish Enemies t-shirts, they were offering lots of money for it but there`s only 20 pieces around the world and it will not be changed :hornsbang:
the phish said:
what was the actual setlist? are they doing anything newer yet?

Setlist from Zlin:

Acid Words
Bittersweet Feast
River Dragon Has Come
Final Product
Heart Collector
Seven Tongues Of God
Inside Four Walls
This Godless Endeavor
Never Purify
Enemies Of Reality
Beyond Within

Setlist from Katowice:

Acid Words
River Dragon Has Come
Final Product
Heart Collector
Seven Tongues Of God
Enemies Of Reality
This Godless Endeavor
Dead_Lioness said:
have you noticed how Derek and Tommy try to hide
the fact that they are drunk ? :cool:

I can see it, you can't hide from me, guys ;)

:saint: actually we were more tired (especially me coz i only had two hours of sleep the night before since i had to clear up my work before leaving for the gigs) than drunk but on the other hand i can't say we were not drinking at all :headbang: :kickass:

and the best reason for it are beer prices in Czech Republic - you can get a VERY good beer for sth like 0.5$ per pint and one of the best beers in the world Pilsner Urquell costs there .... in the restaurant we had our dinner ..sth like a 1$. :kickass: :kickass: :loco:
Uh... I feel horrible, because I`ve hadn`t been there :| When I`m reading all this stuff I feel a little depressed... Fuck! I`ll try to be present on the next gig, and kick your damn, metal asses! T-shirts are great. I wish to have one of them, but I know, that`s impossible. Very good idea!

Oh... and one more thing... hello everyone!