politics = bullshit


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i mean seriously...who i am supposed to vote for here?

obama doesn't exactly get me excited and mccain is...well he's a republican.

and while i find that my political views are changing a bit as i grow older, i am finding that no party in our wonderful system really appeals to me.

i am not ultra-liberal and i am no way ultra-conservative. i like the idea of less government in general. i support enviromentalism and i'm all for gay marriage but in general i feel that maybe my views are shifting more towards the libretarian party but there are aspects of them i don't really like either.

guys i don't know where i belong!

but seriously the whole point of this long-winded post is: when is xfer going to run for president because i trust him and then i would finally have a candidate i could vote for...

truly though I am pretty much unelectable. the internet is littered with statements I made saying things like "fuck the troops" and "the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is to put Yasser Arafat in a burlap sack and leave him there until things are fixed" (RIP)
obama is the next jay-z and he needs your vote

Over the years I still keep my liberal human rights ideals but my economic concepts have shifted more towards conservative. I think as you start to own things and make money that's a pretty normal progression.

I'd vote for xfer as long as his running mate was a squirrel.
i'd vote for xfer as long as all of his decisions were made behind a dm screen with a d20.

Over the years I still keep my liberal human rights ideals but my economic concepts have shifted more towards conservative. I think as you start to own things and make money that's a pretty normal progression.

I'd vote for xfer as long as his running mate was a squirrel.

I don't think I'll ever be an economic conservative. I think that the more you make, the more you should kick back into society. I also think that there should be a personal yearly income cap, although I'm probably alone in that respect, which is fine. It's a pretty ridiculous notion.
I don't think I'll ever be an economic conservative. I think that the more you make, the more you should kick back into society.

I agree to a point. Obviously you can't have everyone on the same income level. That's been tried with poor sucess. I'm not much of a tax and spend guy though. I like the cut spending and waste ideas better. And I have no problem with the upper crust paying a larger percentage in taxes but they should still be able to make as much as they can. It's what drives the country. If it weren't for the money I probably wouldn't be an engineer. If I got similar cash doing whatever, I'd probably do whatever rather than engineering.
I don't think I'll ever be an economic conservative. I think that the more you make, the more you should kick back into society. I also think that there should be a personal yearly income cap, although I'm probably alone in that respect, which is fine. It's a pretty ridiculous notion.

i agree as well Josh.

i guess one thing that i have learned from talking to people who are ridiculously econmoically conservative is that i think they hide behind a false bravado of "i earned this money so its mine to use as i see fit."

but in reality i think a good chunk of them are just more upset with how their money that is being put back into society is used.

for examplem, i really think welfare does get a bad rap because of the over-generalization that people who are on it don't actually try to find jobs they just mooch off the government.

i don't agree with that generalization BUT i have seen some horrid examples of it such as this: my co-worker who makes just enough money to get by in life and still be mostly comfortable and has no college education so technically has had to work his ass off to get to this point used to live in this condo complex in MA and his next door neighbor was a guy who basically lived off welfare and basically refused to get a job. it wasn't that he was disabled in any way or anything but welfare paid for his decent apartment and he had enough money to live so he didn't feel the need to go out and do anything.

so in that regard i can see how my co-worker would be very anti-welfare because the taxes he is paying are being used to support his lazy neighbor.

again not saying welfare or creating a government fund to help people down on their luck is in any way shape or form a BAD idea because there are people out there who need the help big time. but its hard when you hear stories and see examples of abuse and because you work hard to get what money you have it bums you out to see people deciding that they are above working and wanting the government to pay for them instead.

or another example being when ol' dirty bastard went to go pick his welfare money up in a limo...

so i feel i am more sympathetic to people with stingy attitudes even though i completely and utterly disagree with them...

i personally feel that there should be a mandatory fund for people to donate money to for cancer research to wipe it off the map completely...but i am more biased than others...
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stingy-attitude people forget that the life you are capable of living by government checks alone is a shitty, miserable life.

I don't begrudge some of my tax money going to people with obvious mental problems who are satisfied with scrabbling up a shitty mcdonald's cheeseburger every day and renting their couch.
stingy-attitude people forget that the life you are capable of living by government checks alone is a shitty, miserable life.

I don't begrudge some of my tax money going to people with obvious mental problems who are satisfied with scrabbling up a shitty mcdonald's cheeseburger every day and renting their couch.

b-b-b-b-but the welfare queens driving cadillacs :cry:

yeah that was a complete whopper made up by Reagan but some people still seem to believe it to this day