POLL - Most Knowledgable Poster

Most Knowledgeable

  • Zephyrus

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • Necuratul

    Votes: 30 57.7%
  • Thoth-Amon

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • V5

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • MalignParadigm

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
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So it's inevitable for you to admit to being a hypocrite in the sense that you hate the social forum, but yet post there more often than in the metal forum, you know considering this is first and foremost a metal forum and all. Thanks for proving my point.

I said the social forum was a "stupid fucking idea," not that I hated it. And it still is a stupid fucking idea, just like the Opeth Off-Topic Forum and the Seriously Off-Topic Forum was. "Hypocrisy" doesn't even fit into the equation.

Now, had you said, "I only check the Social Forum because I volunteered to moderate it as well as the Metal Forum and only for that reason." Not only would it make more sense, I would completely condone it. But it's not true. Thus proving I am right and you are wrong.


I don't necessarily think people are "sucking up" to you. I just think they are voting based solely on the false front you pose, along with voting for the wrong reason, not to mention the board isn't filled with the most intellectual people in the world, but great people none the less. Considering these polls were derived from the Social forum, metal had nothing to do with any of these categories.

Look who's wrong! It's you! This one is about Metal knowledge. It's implied. You missed it. Your own fault, sucks for you, etc. The shit's on your face.

So why everyone assumed that voting in the Most Knowledgable Poster category was based on your "metal" knowledge, I have no idea. Yeah sure, you know alot about metal, but who gives a shit? That's your thing, you blow all your money and spend most of your time listening to uber-obscure bands, that no one gives two shits about for some self-gratification, good on you.

Considering Metal is what this forum's about (oh yeah, this is news to you, I forgot), I think a lot of people give a shit about what others can pass on to them and inform them of. I know that I do, and I've profited greatly from the musical knowledge of others here and elsewhere, and I try to pass this along as well.

But as far as general knowledge, your inexperience shines through on alot of topics. You can't assume you have a firm grasp on everything, just because of what you read, or what someone in your family told you they heard. Alot of things that happen in life are better learned from actually doing, or putting yourself in such a situation to figure it out yourself. Thus not making you the most knowledgable person on this board. Thus why I have my opinion. Thus why I made my comment. And thus why I keep replying to your posts which you have done nothing but restorted to name calling. Horray.

What is this even based on? On what subjects does my "inexperience shine through?" I tend not to even bother addressing subjects of which I know little for that very reason. Why you would waste your finger dexterity to type out "You can't assume you have a firm grasp on everything, just because of what you read, or what someone in your family told you they heard. Alot of things that happen in life are better learned from actually doing, or putting yourself in such a situation to figure it out yourself" escapes me entirely, however, since the statement is so patently obvious that it's not even worth saying. No shit I don't have a "firm grasp on everything." No shit some things are best learned through experience. Why are you wasting your time saying this? Have I ever implied that I know more about everything in general than anyone else on this board? Or is this all stemming from your misconception of what this great and noble honor of an award is really about? Or do you just have a vendetta against me that you're not ready to let go of? And I did a lot more than resort to name calling. The name calling was just the cherry on top for me.

Now hopefully that you understand why everything in this thread is so patently stupid (namely because the "award" is about METAL KNOWLEDGE and not a total accumulation of all of one's life experiences), you'll respectfully drop it.
I said the social forum was a "stupid fucking idea," not that I hated it. And it still is a stupid fucking idea, just like the Opeth Off-Topic Forum and the Seriously Off-Topic Forum was. "Hypocrisy" doesn't even fit into the equation.

Stupid idea = You don't like it.

(thinking it is a) Stupid Idea + Contributing to it = Hypocrisy

Someone failed at math.

You know, it's kinda like saying, "I don't like hedge funds, but I'll milk it anyways."

Yeah I'd be speechless too.

Look who's wrong! It's you! This one is about Metal knowledge. It's implied. You missed it. Your own fault, sucks for you, etc. The shit's on your face.

I'm not wrong. MOST KNOWLEDGABLE PERSON =/= MOST KNOWLEDGABLE IN METAL. Learn to read bro. Even if it was "implied" that would only equate to a fraction of what we were supposed to be nominating people for. But this is a moot point because I don't care about the poll anyways.

edit: If CC were to come out and say, "My intentions for this poll was to be based on metal knowledge." Then I'll retract my statement and apologize. However, going off of what the title says "Most Knowledgable Person", I'm right.

Considering Metal is what this forum's about (oh yeah, this is news to you, I forgot), I think a lot of people give a shit about what others can pass on to them and inform them of. I know that I do, and I've profited greatly from the musical knowledge of others here and elsewhere, and I try to pass this along as well.

I could name alot of people who think otherwise, but whatever floats your boat.

What is this even based on? On what subjects does my "inexperience shine through?" I tend not to even bother addressing subjects of which I know little for that very reason. Why you would waste your finger dexterity to type out "[/SIZE][/SIZE]You can't assume you have a firm grasp on everything, just because of what you read, or what someone in your family told you they heard. Alot of things that happen in life are better learned from actually doing, or putting yourself in such a situation to figure it out yourself" escapes me entirely, however, since the statement is so patently obvious that it's not even worth saying. No shit I don't have a "firm grasp on everything." No shit some things are best learned through experience. Why are you wasting your time saying this? Have I ever implied that I know more about everything in general than anyone else on this board? Or is this all stemming from your misconception of what this great and noble honor of an award is really about? Or do you just have a vendetta against me that you're not ready to let go of? And I did a lot more than resort to name calling. The name calling was just the cherry on top for me.

It's based on the countless amount of arguments you've been in basing your argument and/or opinion on hearsay and tidbits of what you read here and there and on little evidence or experience. Kinda like your whole liberal arts degree and getting any job deal you were saying.

You need to stop coming off like your opinions and ideas are fact. This drives everyone nuts, and most of us don't really want to hear you call everyone "dumbfucks" or "fucking idiots" just because someone has a differing opinion of yours. Which is a patented Nec move, resort to name-calling to try and put that stamp on your post instead of just shutting the fuck up sometimes and not engaging an argument you can't win, kinda like right now.

You don't necessarily come out and say, "I know more than all of joo!" But that mentality is quite obvious, even over the internet.

I don't have a vendetta against you since I don't know you in person, for all I know we could probably be cool in person, considering I make friends with almost everyone I meet. But you're just a internet snob, plain and simple. And I'm not going to hold back my thoughts or opinions about something, or let you get your two cents in without retorting and speaking my mind, which is what I've been doing.

Now hopefully that you understand why everything in this thread is so patently stupid (namely because the "award" is about METAL KNOWLEDGE and not a total accumulation of all of one's life experiences), you'll respectfully drop it.

Refer to above.
Stupid idea = You don't like it.

(thinking it is a) Stupid Idea + Contributing to it = Hypocrisy

Someone failed at math.

No. Saying "Posting in this is bad" + Posting in it = hypocrisy. Thinking low of something and yet participating in it does NOT come to equal that however.
Stupid idea = You don't like it.

Nol. Stupid idea = an ill advised move that probably should not be done. Someone failed at logic.

(thinking it is a) Stupid Idea + Contributing to it = Hypocrisy

False attribution again, falls into the same hole as the other by equating to things that are not equal.

Someone failed at math.

Or placed out of math, same thing right?

You know, it's kinda like saying, "I don't like hedge funds, but I'll milk it anyways."

For the third time, stupid idea =/= dislike. If you haven't caught on to this by now, I am obliged to inform you that you're a retard. I know, this is "resorting to namecalling," but if you can't get this distinction, you really must be an idiot. That or you're intentionally not getting it in order to try to defend your position that I'm a hypocrite, which is laughable.

Yeah I'd be speechless too.

Dumbstruck, indeed.

I'm not wrong. MOST KNOWLEDGABLE PERSON =/= MOST KNOWLEDGABLE IN METAL. Learn to read bro. Even if it was "implied" that would only equate to a fraction of what we were supposed to be nominating people for. But this is a moot point because I don't care about the poll anyways.

Really, most knowledgeable =/= most knowledgeable in Metal? Seriously? Why can you work out this equation, but the stupid idea =/= dislike still baffles you beyond belief?

Even if it was "implied" that would only equate to a fraction of what we were supposed to be nominating people for? No. The entire basis of this award is knowledge about Metal ONLY. It has nothing to do with how many college degrees you have, how many bitches you've fucked, or how many countries you've been to, so no, it's not "a fraction," but rather the entire thing. Oh an high five for not caring, totally awesome dude.

I could name alot of people who think otherwise, but whatever floats your boat.

What exactly are they thinking otherwise to? I said that people on internet Metal message boards tend to care about what other posters have to offer them. That tends to be one of the major reasons why they come to the message boards. Are you refuting this?

It's based on the countless amount of arguments you've been in basing your argument and/or opinion on hearsay and tidbits of what you read here and there and on little evidence or experience. Kinda like your whole liberal arts degree job deal.

Not that you're actually going to give me an example, but when have I ever based any part of any argument I've ever made in a serious context on "hearsay and tidbits of what you read here and there and on little evidence or experience?" Seriously, give me a REAL example. There ARE jobs that don't require specific majors, especially coming from liberal arts colleges. If you don't know this, then that is your problem, not mine. I'm sure most other people are aware of this.

You need to stop coming off like your opinions and ideas are fact. This drives everyone nuts, and most of us don't really want to hear you call everyone "dumbfucks" or "fucking idiots" just because someone has a differing opinion of yours. Which is a patented Nec move, resort to name-calling to try and put that stamp on your post instead of just shutting the fuck up sometimes and not engaging an argument you can't win, kinda like right now.

You need to stop reading me as if I'm attempting to state facts when I'm giving opinions. Others' failures to distinguish between fact and opinion are their own responsibility, not mine. I don't try to pass off my opinions as facts unless I'm joking or using hyperbole, such as when I claim that Venom is better than Iron Maiden. Obviously this is an opinion. And get thicker skin if you're going to whine about name calling, especially since pretty much everybody does it. And once again you say I "resort to name-calling." I'm not resorting to name-calling, I'm just name-calling out of frustration. I'm not replacing name-calling with an argument, but rather using it as a supplement to the argument to vent my frustration. Do you see the difference between using name-calling and "resorting" to name-calling?

Also, do you really think you're "winning" this? The whole premise of your argument is based on a misunderstanding of the topic of the award in question, so everything in your argument that stems from this is patently wrong. Just to reiterate, the sole basis of this award is who you feel knows the most about Metal music. This is the only basis upon which you should be evaluating the candidates. It's not "a fraction" of the equation; it IS the equation.

You don't necessarily come out and say, "I know more than all of joo!" But that mentality is quite obvious, even over the internet.

I can't control how your perceive what I say, nor do I care. If you think I come off with that attitude, that's your problem, and I frankly don't give a shit. I do believe that I know more than others on certain subjects, but there are plenty of others who know more than me about many other things. This is stating the obvious, but apparently I have to in order to demonstrate to you that I'm not a delusional megalomaniac. The fact that I don't often get into arguments about topics I'm ill-informed on may contribute to this perception of me, but I'd rather have this perception than one of somebody that just argues about everything for the sake of arguing rather than arguing for the sake of proving a point within the argument.
edit: If CC were to come out and say, "My intentions for this poll was to be based on metal knowledge." Then I'll retract my statement and apologize. However, going off of what the title says "Most Knowledgable Person", I'm right.
I didn't feel the need to say this, but this is what I intended. I thought it so obvious that I didn't even think that people would misunderstand. The only type of knowledge ever really discussed in depth is metal knowledge. This us ultimateMETAL.com and that is why we are all here. As far as I know you are the only person who misunderstood this and you are wrong.
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