Poll:....NFL Superbowl Champions?


If they win, it'll be Party Time up here...take our minds off the snow
and the cold!

Sorry Officier Nice............Inndy with Peyton............will tear up your.......team!..........Theres no defense that can stop their offense.........they're on a roll & will roll you out of the playoff's..........o_O
Enjoy the SuperBowl parties in Boston, thats all your team has left, they will be home with their families, by then!

PS ..........Clean out those Pat's lockers!
Deadly Embrace said:
Sorry Officier Nice............Inndy with Peyton............will tear up your.......team!.............................o_O

Thats what you said about McNair and the Titans last week.
Peyton better be eating his Campbells Soup bcuz he'll need it.
NE outmatches them bigtime! Ok so Peyton Manning oh boy.
QB doesnt make the team, doesn't win the game.
You could win a game with a shitty QB. The 40whiners did it
for a while with Garcia and he's a homo QB.

Dodens Grav said:
I'm rooting for the Panthers. No idea why, I guess they're the underdog this season...Panthers and the Colts in the Superbowl is what I want to see, I think that would be the best game out of all the possibilities.

"I'm rooting for the Panthers. No Idea Why, I Guess"

That's retarted! You Ninny Shithead!
Go back to watching Tele-tubbies.

It's gonna be the Pats IMO. The Pats remind me of those old late 80's, early 90's Bill Parcel's NY Giants with great defense and a ball control offense. The only way the Pats can lose is to get into a shootout. Indy has the best chance of anybody to make that happen but my gut tells me the Pats will pull it out in a low scoring affair. It's anybody's guess if it becomes an offensive shootout. After New England skates by the Colts it will get easier in the Super Bowl. Neither Carolina or Philly have that type of "Indianopolis/St. Loius/Kansas City" offense that can score 25+ on anybody.

New England vs. Philadelphia in the Super Bowl...

New England: 21
Philladelphia: 10
Deadly Embrace said:
Sorry Officier Nice............Inndy with Peyton............will tear up your.......team!..........Theres no defense that can stop their offense.........they're on a roll & will roll you out of the playoff's..........o_O
Enjoy the SuperBowl parties in Boston, thats all your team has left, they will be home with their families, by then!

PS ..........Clean out those Pat's lockers!

As somebody who lives in Baltimore & is old enough to remember the Colts leaving town like theives in the night(literally),I want the Colts to lose big tomorrow.There's still a deep seeded hatred in this city for the Colts & that piece of shit NFL Commisioner.
OfficerNice said:
Thats what you said about McNair and the Titans last week.
Peyton better be eating his Campbells Soup bcuz he'll need it.
NE outmatches them bigtime! Ok so Peyton Manning oh boy.
QB doesnt make the team, doesn't win the game.
You could win a game with a shitty QB. The 40whiners did it
for a while with Garcia and he's a homo QB.

then Brady must fit in that homo QB list. there chemistry is working for now & maybe the cold might do Indy in but Manning is a much better QB. NE has no running game & there Def. is the reason there winning these games. its supposed to be about 35 in Boston so it wont be to cold. NE doesnt have a top 10 RB,QB or WR & they are bound to lose sometime & this looks like that game. im from Maine so ill be rooting for them but im just being realistic
LooseCannon said:
As somebody who lives in Baltimore & is old enough to remember the Colts leaving town like theives in the night(literally),I want the Colts to lose big tomorrow.There's still a deep seeded hatred in this city for the Colts & that piece of shit NFL Commisioner.
Ya that sucks & I feel for you being ROBBED.........There should be a law that you can't move Historic teams, & let them take the team & the name from your City!
SAZZ said:
then Brady must fit in that homo QB list. there chemistry is working for now & maybe the cold might do Indy in but Manning is a much better QB. NE has no running game & there Def. is the reason there winning these games. its supposed to be about 35 in Boston so it wont be to cold. NE doesnt have a top 10 RB,QB or WR & they are bound to lose sometime & this looks like that game. im from Maine so ill be rooting for them but im just being realistic
Tom Brady's not a homo! He nailed Tara Reid for a while!

You're only at most half right...even if you are from ME.
Tom Brady's not on the homo list. He's a good solid QB...Who only
has been in the NFL for 4 years! And of those 4 years how many seasons
was he first string/starting? Manning's been in the NFL 6 or 7?
Manning has more experience than Brady. Brady's still a young cat.
Manning's played the last 96 and he's started the last 96.
Brady's played the last 48 and started 46. Half of 96 is 48,
which means by experience Manning's got twice as much playing time
as Brady easily. Manning's great but so? The QB isnt the whole team
and the QB doesnt win games. so the rushing game sucked.
the passing game was on top. NE always nailed the first downs.
they were on top for the 4th down conversions.
NE was on top for turnovers- interceptions and recovering the fumble.
The receiving was much better than you say it was.
Brady did have to spend some time on the bench while Blendoes was NE's boy.
Manning was starting by then....Brad Johnson got more yards than
Brady this year so what? Tampa's shit.
Like half the time Tom's been in the NFL he was basically a rookie.
All rookies get better. Joe Montana, his first NFL year was the worst
QB in the NFL, and he was very low on the draft pick list. And look
at his legacy now?
NE won more games in the entire AFC. NE was 14-2, Indy was 12-4.
NE was 8-0 at home, Indy was 5-3. NE's got a better home record.
They've got a better winning record.
Losing Lawyer this year was a big blow, NE replaced most of their offensive line.
Gee, do you think they're gonna be a little rough around the edges?
All I gotta say is people can talk all the shit they want but that's what it
Did your team win as many games this year?
Did your team win your conference?
Did your team win 14 in a row? that's pretty damn hard.
The Pats schedule wasn't always as easy as other teams.
Bring your shit. NE is a team that fights. They win the big games
against the better teams because they have heart and they fight and
they have the talent.

Where's your team? Oh, they already cleaned
out their lockers and went home to their families. Least NE is STILL in it.

Last time NE played Indy, NE fought it and won it 38-34.
While Indy did better on passing and rushing and conversion,NE whooped
on them on Touchdowns passing and rushing....
NE might lose, but they sure as shit had a great season. Stop your wanking.
All you pissants who talk your smack "oh NE doesnt have the best
this or the best that" ...that's the shit you talk when
Pats WON games. 14-2!
Quote Off. Nice:"The QB isnt the whole team
and the QB doesnt win games. so the rushing game sucked."

I beg to differ, most Playoffs & Superbowls are won or lost by the QB.........
examples:....Joe Montana.....Joe Namath......Terry Bradshaw.......John Elway......Dan Marino......Troy Akmein.......Roger Staubach......Bart Starr......Ken Stabler.......Steve Young.......etc........I could go on
.......even Tom Brady..........and the running game does matter big time, ball control, possession, holding a lead, dictates the direction!

So you add those 2 factors & NE............does not have a chance!

Your Defense can't score more points than Peyton & the Inndy Offense.......your in trouble!

The Cold weather & home field advantage is your only real positive factor!

The Colts have the momentum..........end of story pack up your locker room today!
Deadly Embrace said:
I beg to differ, most Playoffs & Superbowls are won or lost by the QB.........
examples:....Joe Montana.....Joe Namath......Terry Bradshaw.......John Elway......Dan Marino......Troy Akmein.......Roger Staubach......Bart Starr......Ken Stabler.......Steve Young.......etc........I could go on
.......even Tom Brady..........and the running game does matter big time, ball control, possession, holding a lead, dictates the direction!
NE didnt do well with a running game this year, I admitted that
earlier....But how do you explain them doing so well this year?
They held their opponents back, kept them from gaining yards
and if you compare possession times, they're very comparable.
What about Miami and Ricky Williams? Ricky always gets major
yards, but NE won against Miami. NE proves you can win the
big games on Defense.
Explain that....

Your Defense can't score more points than Peyton & the Inndy Offense.......your in trouble!
Week 13. NE v. Indy. 38-34. Our sucky ass running game scored high.
Faulk may not be Top 10 but he ran over Indy up the middle time
and time and time again. There was good running and passing.
Manning had just as many incompletes as Brady did. And both QB's were sacked at least once.... Lots of penalties that game. Shotgun passes
do help win games.
NE did win.
OfficerNice said:
NE didnt do well with a running game this year, I admitted that
earlier....But how do you explain them doing so well this year?
They held their opponents back, kept them from gaining yards
and if you compare possession times, they're very comparable.
What about Miami and Ricky Williams? Ricky always gets major
yards, but NE won against Miami. NE proves you can win the
big games on Defense.
Explain that....
the Defense is the reason why there winning. Brady is alot like Garcia, short passes & doesnt throw downfield all that much
Well Brady looks good.........Peyton, making mistakes, & turnovers.......NE Defense is shutting down Inndy's offense............15-0..........Off. Nice is 30 Minutes from The Big Dance............Well I was right about one thing, Home Field advantage & the weather working for NE.......But the Defense is winning the game.............
I stat you failed to mention is that the Colt's scored 21 points against NE(last time they played).................in 6 minutes!

First drive of second half...........Inndy Touchdown........half NE lead gone.......
one more TD & Inndy ties(w/2 point conversion)!
Deadly Embrace said:
So you add those 2 factors & NE............does not have a chance!

The Colts have the momentum..........end of story pack up your locker room today!

....I'm Sorry?......WHAT?!?!.....WHAT?!?!?....What was that you were saying???
Deadly Embrace said:
Well Brady looks good.........Peyton, making mistakes, & turnovers.......NE Defense is shutting down Inndy's offense............15-0..........Off. Nice is 30 Minutes from The Big Dance............Well I was right about one thing, Home Field advantage & the weather working for NE.......But the Defense is winning the game.............
Like I said hours ago....NE proves the D can win big games.

I got one word for y'all......VICTORY!
:Smug: :Smug: :Smug:

You speak too soon DE. You speak too soon! :D
I told you. :Smug: :Smug: :Smug:

Now it's time to party! :D :D

AFC CHAMPIONS :headbang:

HA HA DE! :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: :Smug: