Superbowl Winner

Originally posted by SculptedCold
Hehe, i'm a Cowboys fan too. They didn't call 'em America's Team for nothin' !! :)

:puke: Dallas is even worse than Cleveland :puke:

And the Raiders are going to win...
Dude, you're a broken record. Get new material, or at least go do some research so you don't sound so stupid. It's embarrasing!

Sure, Gruden knows the Raiders, but THEY - and more importantly, their coaching staff - know Gruden! Callahan was a disciple of Gruden's and is employing a VARIATION of the system that Gruden put in place 4 years ago. That doesn't mean Gruden can magically predict what the Raiders will do. Duh.

If anything, there IS no advantage, simply because the Raiders have far too much talent on offense to be stopped. Just because you *know* Gannon is going to throw the ball to Rice, or Brown, or Garner, or Porter, or Jolley, doesn't mean you know when or how. Or that you can stop it. Learn something about the game before you post again, k? Thx!
well I am not a BIG bucs fan and I was quite amazed when they pulverized the Raiders,in the end you were right mark,balance wins games
i don't know any of the teams in the superbowl.
what i'm interested in, dealing with it, are the advertisings (i even gave an exam on adverts at uni a couple of years ago); i've just found a site where you can watch the advertisings that are shown during the super bowl, and i fell in love with the monkey in one of the sierra mist's ones :)

*wants some more*
well they must be excellent advertisements because they are like 2.2 million dollars the minute or something
have you seen advertisements for a cell company in Canada? it has hilarious monkeys on it
@manuel: yeah, i think the superbowl ones are the most expensive adv spaces ever...
i haven't seen that one. i'll search for it. if you know where i can find that one and more, feel free to help me posting a link, thank you :)
I saw them on the subway and street but my cousin sent me e-mails with the images,let me check if I still have them
there's one with a monkey with some bananas and it reads: good phones find restaurants
it's hilarious

p.s. haven't waited for godot yet...